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RRR RRR is offline
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26-07-2007, 09:24 AM   #11

Re: Still having problems!

I've just brought the book from Amazon for £2.90!

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26-07-2007, 09:26 AM   #12

Re: Still having problems!

im sorry to hear that rrr but i do hope you get it sorted out soon

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26-07-2007, 09:29 AM   #13

Re: Still having problems!

That's a good buy, I paid loads more than that at WHSmith

Maybe allowing them outside access is the way to go, perhaps that's what they are protesting at, being confined indoors?? Let them out supervised at first, when you are around to keep a close eye on them and don't feed them before you let them out, make sure they are hungry, that way you will find it easier to get them back in

If you are adamant you wish to keep them as house cats then maybe Elaine's suggestion would be worth considering, retraining them using a crate..

Good luck and do let us know how you get on x

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RRR RRR is offline
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26-07-2007, 12:53 PM   #14

Re: Still having problems!

I'm not adamant that they stay indoors so I think I'll give it a try with them going outside.

Whats the best way to start off? Just for a little while in the garden,let them have a wander around, etc and bring them back indoors?

When do I eventually leave them outside on their own?

Also we dont have a cat flap and cant put on in so do I leave them outside all day whilst we're at work or should I keep them in during the day and let them out in the evening. I dont want them out all night so how do I get them to come home when I want to keep them in for the night?

I've chipped them but I guess collars are still a good idea with my phone number on in case anything does happen.

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26-07-2007, 03:01 PM   #15

Re: Still having problems!

We got Patch used to going outside by taking him out for say 15 minutes at first, then 30 minutes, then increasing etc. Then we let him stay out for more like 3 hours in nice weather but were supervising him all the time and he wasn't allowed off the garden - this happened for a while and now he mainly spends time in the garden when he's out, mainly in the chicken pen (lol, good shelter from the rain. It's empty at the moment by the way )

Not sure how you get them to come back at night but Patch always comes in - he's stayed out 2 nights because he wasn't coming home, we shouted him and stuff but he was having none of it, but he was fine staying out but it makes you worry more I think. I guess you think of a time you want them in. Okay so you want them in for 9:30pm - if they come in at 9 keep them in, it's unlikely they'll go out for another 30 minutes then come in. If they're in and out all evening don't feed them any later than say 7 - in a few hours they'll be hungry and come home. Not sure if that will work but that's basically how we do it.

Don't know about them going out in the day/evening - maybe it would be best for them to just go out in the evening and get into a routine that that is the only time they can go out - we hate going out when Patch is out incase something happens and we're not around. Mum doesn't work and is in all day unless she goes down the street in a morning, so the door is open all day unless it's freezing or raining, but Patch let's us know he's at the door by meowing his little heart out.

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RRR RRR is offline
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26-07-2007, 03:58 PM   #16

Re: Still having problems!

We both work full time so if they are left out during the day then I would also worry that they were ok. I could put food and water and a bed in the shed but that just doesn't seem as nice as being in the house, esp in this weather!

Things wont be too bad when I start maternity leave as I'll be around during the day and after my leave I'll be going back to work part time so that will be ok then. Its just for the next three months or so that'll be a problem.

Zoot is a VERY vocal cat so I imagine he'll be at the door whinging when he wants to come in. We cant leave the door open all the time as our indoor ferret is free range and she'll be off like a shot!

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