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09-01-2008, 05:27 PM   #11

Re: Desperate for Practical Advice - Herpes Virus

I veer between anger and sadness - for Casper mainly but also for me if I'm honest.

I think the breeder must have known? Maybe that is harsh.

I had thought when we bought him he would go to my dad when we were away but he has a older cat and that won't be possible now - hence the cattery concerns. I don't really know anyone local to call on. Still not to worry for now, just want him well!

Thanks for the support.

You have other cats though?

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09-01-2008, 05:41 PM   #12

Re: Desperate for Practical Advice - Herpes Virus

Yeh I do. I have Abi. She's a couple of months older than Caspurr. He didn't show signs until the day after we got Abi. We'd only had Caspurr 8 days.

The breeder didn't want to know and told me she had never heard of the Virus (been breeding 15 years ) I wouldn't have given him back though.

As Abi was just that little bit older and fully vaccinated she was treated just incase. They are inseprobale.

If I were you I wouldn't rule out another cat. I know other people who have virus carriers in multi cat households. Take advise from your Vet.
Mine didn't see a problem.

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09-01-2008, 09:58 PM   #13

Re: Desperate for Practical Advice - Herpes Virus

Hi there,

My female cat Bronwyn is a carrier of the Herpes Virus, we got her a few years ago as company to my male cat (she is about 4 years younger than him). Before getting her I spoke to my vet who recommended very strongly that she has her cat flu vaccinations every year, this is very important as there are many strains of cat flu. My male cat has always had his vaccinations and the vet advised as he is strong young adult male that her having cat flu shouldn't affect him, no more than him having a cold (we have seen hardly any affects of cat flu with him - sometimes he will sneeze which he never did before but that might be a couple of times a year - very rare)

Once you cat has reached adulthood - he might have the odd bought of sneezing and weepy eyes etc, you might also find that when he gets stressed that it will be worse. With Bronwyn we usually go through this once a year or so, and she was bad recently for about a week but she is fine now, a very active playful cat.

Bronwyn does go outside (when we are home) and it is very unlikely that he will pass it onto another cat, but he should be neutered which will make him less likely to get into fights with other cats. CAn you cat proof your garden so he can go out?

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10-01-2008, 07:48 AM   #14

Re: Desperate for Practical Advice - Herpes Virus

Sorry to hear about Casper But sounds like he is doing well now I don't have anything to add other than I thought the suggestion of another cat that is also a carrier sounded like a good idea but if a non carrier that is fully vaccinated would be protected then that's good news too

Welcome to Catsey too and can we see some pics of your baby

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10-01-2008, 11:50 PM   #15

Re: Desperate for Practical Advice - Herpes Virus

Hi Casper's Mum - welcome to Catsey. This is a forum of really kind sympathetic people who have given generously of their support to myself and Merlin. Lots of hugs for Casper - hope he is soon symptom free. I remember the bad old days in 50's/60's - my aunt used to have her houseful of cats regularly decimated by cat flu. Things have certainly got better with immunisation etc. Casper is certainly a lucky cat to have found a dedicated owner such as yourself. Good luck - I hope you find a lot of joy together!

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