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dinahsmum's Avatar
Catsey Veteran
Cats owned: 2 moggie boys; 1 grey 1 red striped
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: SW England
Posts: 12,761
12-10-2005, 10:59 AM   #20

Re: Your Garden Pics..

I've posted these 'on the other side' but will put them on CP for anyone who mght be interested.

This is the transformation between a tiny scraggy bit of ground behind the house to our very pleasant and very very easy maintenance makeover. The decking etc is supposed to be non bird friendly but we have hundreds of birds in the hedge and I keep the bird-bath full so they can get a drink

1. Before

2. Before

3. - 14. various stages of work and the finished (very sterile looking) product. Note the cats and late dog getting in on the act! It's much softer now with various planting and tubs.

Here's the bird bath in use on a gloomy day (excuse washing!)

And here is a furniture set we've recently purchased

and after 'treatment'

and here's Tizzie enjoying the sun

Sorry there's so many. Hope you find it interesting. I'd advise anyone with a tiny space to do something similar to maximise the use and minimise the work. I would love to have a couple of acres and leave lots wild etc.........but I haven't, so make do with our tiny suntrap!

PS Love everyone else's pics - more please!

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