View Full Version : Dry Tuesday

10-08-2021, 08:36 AM
Morning everyone,

Its dry here at the moment, hoping it stays that way!! We had a very loud bang of thunder and flash of lightening yesterday just as i was heading out so turned around and sat with Mia for a while as she got quite distressed with it. Settled her then headed out. Driving conditions were awful as the roads were flooded and it was torrential rain. The lightening has also blown our sky tv box and our amazon fire box so we are having to use the firestick from my office for tv! Need to look into other options now to get TV.

Went for a run in teh rain last night with Sam and it was actually quite nice as it went off half way during our run.

Todays plan is to go pick up dog food and then go to my friends house to pick up knitting that she has done for Lucy. Then just a relaxing day (well i will try have a relaxing day!!) in the house.

Shelley, i do hope you havent been affected by the flooding at the caravan Enjoy your meals out when you go.

Dinky, how is Brenna doing? Hope all is well with you :)