View Full Version : Snowy but sunny Sunday

31-01-2021, 05:21 PM
Hi Everyone,

It was snowing again last night but not much of a covering this morning. Was nice to be out and about in though. We did a 10mile walk with the dogs this morning which took us just over 3 hours. Was chilly but the sun was out. Once we were home, we went out an got our shopping in for the week. Home and in PJ's now for the rest of the day to let the legs rest!!

Dinky, how are you today? Been thinking of you.

Kazz, i hope work was ok and Gert had a lovely walk.

31-01-2021, 06:23 PM
Hi everyone,
The week passed OK, my cousins funeral went well and was of course very sad, especially seeing her 2 sons deal with it.
Today it's my dad's 86 birthday, we went for a nice socially distanced walk in the park.
He's in a bubble with friends so is going to their house for a meal.
Dinky, such sad news about Bronte, you did your best.
Yola, hope you get help with your knees soon.
My husband is seeing pyysio on Friday for shoulder and arm pain.
Karen, we could never go on a bike with our two, they'd be under the wheels.
Pamela, glad that you got to see your dad and sister.
You did have a long walk today.