View Full Version : Saturday Daily

09-01-2021, 06:56 PM
Evening everyone,

Its another chilly one here today. Our pond actually had 5 ice "sculptures" on the surface. It was quite a sight to see!! I have posted a photo on another social media platform!!

We went for a big walk with the dogs then i met one of my friends for a walk round our local loch for more exercise and i wanted to take some photos as the loch is completely frozen which i have never seen. Look like a lot of people have actually walked out on to the ice which i think is crazy, there was also a lot of dogs paw prints on it. Crazy how some people can let their pets walk out on to ice not knowing if it is safe!! Its started to rain now so hopefully we will get a bit of a thaw and get rid of the ice on the paths!!

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend :)