View Full Version : Friday again.

13-11-2020, 12:35 PM
Hello everyone,
Not sure what I'm going to do today, just been to the farm shop and pick up my prescription.
Not really supposed to but I'm careful.
Working at home is going well, I do some zoom sessions and catch up with online training etc.
Also doing two power walks a week, I'd just started to join the girls at work so will carry it on.
Pamela, hope your run goes well tonight, nice that you've been able to see friends.
Yola, your cats sound beautiful although I couldn't cope with all the grooming.
Dinky, sounds as if Freddie has taken over as honour guard dog.
Dolls back in Amsterdam, watch this space........

13-11-2020, 10:00 PM
Shelley do take care especially if your not meant to be going out. Glad you are enjoying working from home. I do prefer it. Fingers crossed your dolls get delivered to you now they are back in Amsterdam

I was out running with another friend tonight as Jacqui runs with someone else on a Friday night. Was a good run. Did 4mile with no walking and a decent pace. Pleased with my run. Just means I now need to work harder when I'm out with Jacqui.

Taking the motorbike for new brakes and a chain tomorrow and dropping off my snuffle mat order whilst waiting for the bike to get fixed.

Enjoy your weekend everyone