View Full Version : Back to work wednesday

27-11-2019, 08:36 AM
Morning everyone,
Back to work today but off again tomorrow for bladder cam.
Looking forward to seeing everyone, most people have messaged me daily with support.
Dinky I hope Willow is ok.

27-11-2019, 02:08 PM
Good afternoon all.

Shelley fantastic news but still sounds serious and worrying. Will you be okay at work, while you have the treatment? Lovely when work is supportive.

Pamela Glad you are on the mend lots of it going about does not seem to count when you are one of the count.

Yola Hope you are home now. Do you stay away a lot for work?

Dinky You are walking a line that many of us do but the journey is not an easy one. Hope all is better a little it today.

It horrible and wet here, been to the hairdressers and had a trim and thinning scissors into action too.

27-11-2019, 06:36 PM
Hi folks,

Shelley glad you are back at work but hopefully taking it easy. I do hope everything goes well tomorrow for you.

Kazz sounds like a nice day at the hairdresser's. I get too bored of there too long lol!!

Dinky, thinking of you and Willow x

I've not long finished work and heading home to relax. Cold is gradually getting better so that's always good!!

27-11-2019, 07:59 PM
Pamela I was in and out in 35 minutes.

27-11-2019, 09:47 PM
I have the bladder cam, then lung cam next thur, then hopefully put on treatment, probably steroids.
Physically I've felt fine all along so hopefully once on treatment I'll be even better.
Not learned too much about the condition yet but it can sometimes go away.
I will be determined to self help and can work with this.
Dinky, best wishes to you and willow.
Pamela, glad your cold is getting better.
Kazz, hope your trim went well
Yola , are you home yet.
Been thinking about catsey and how to get new members.
Do you think we should try and post more cat related threads as well as our lovely daily.
I will struggle a bit with that, not actually having a feline but would live to hear more about members cats.
I think a big problem on catsey is that it's not easy to post pics.

27-11-2019, 10:39 PM
Good evening? everyone. It's Thursday morning here and another very hot day, I'm afraid. Meant to get up to 29 degrees
Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts towards Willow. The vet came again last night and gave her another anti-nausea injection, and told me to put her back on her meds today as she hadn't been sick.I had to force them into her, wrapped in some wet gastro intestinal food that the vet gave her. She hates that food and I must admit, it smells dreadful. Then she wouldn't eat her pieces of cooked chicken at all. I'll offer them to her again at lunch time. She hasn't brought up the little bit of food that she did have though and seems happy, wagging her tail and wanting tummy tickles.I'm taking one day at a time with her and praying the bleeding in her tummy stops.

SHELLEY, I bet you're pleased to be back at work, but please take it easy.I hope tomorrow and next Thursday go well for you and then you can begin treatment.I'm praying that your condition will totally leave you Shelley, so hang in there.

PAMELA, hope you are feeling a bit better. I bet you were pleased to get home from work. Hope you have a nice, relaxing evening.

KAZZ, it always makes you feel good when you get your hair done, doesn't it? Hope you and Gert are braving the wet weather and staying nice and warm.

YOLA, hope you arrived home safely after your night away.You'll be pleased to be sleeping in your own bed again, I'm sure.

Have a great afternoon/evening everyone.

27-11-2019, 11:50 PM
Dinky, I'm glad willow is keeping food down.
When I had to pull our cats I have it to them in s squirt of hairball prevention.
It came in a tube and was very paletable to them fortunately.