View Full Version : Sunday

03-11-2019, 10:54 AM
Morning everyone, not much planned.
Walking the dogs soon and swimming later.

03-11-2019, 11:31 AM
Morning Shelley. My day is much the same as yours as the weather is horrible today.

More snuffle mats to make to finish my order!

03-11-2019, 10:33 PM
Evening all I am just back in nothing happened much.

03-11-2019, 11:27 PM
Good morning Kazz, Pamela and Shelley. Monday morning here and a beautiful sunny day (sorry Pamela).Only problem is my heat pump which is fine on the heat setting, leaks like crazy on cooler settings and I end up with a torrent of water running down the wall.I'll have to get someone in to fix it shortly.I didn't expect such warm temperatures in November.Willow is still very stiff but is getting up on her own and walking slowly. Cats are all hot.I'll take them outside tonight but can't today as I don't have any sun cream left for their ears.Yay, Janna has just come in from the mail box with a free sample of Temptations -they adore these, so that will be a wee treat for them tonight.

Have a great day everyone. Enjoy your swim Shelley, and hope you finish those snuffle mats, Pamela. You and Gert have a great day too, Kazz.