View Full Version : driech Thursday

29-05-2014, 08:41 AM
Morning everyone. It's wet here so I'm glad I'm working!! Not got much planned just home after work to catch up on TV that I have missed as I have been out and about the last couple of nights.

Got my delivery yesterday with a hammock for the back of my car so barney doesn't ruin my seats and a big tub of the yumove tablets he's on so we won't need to get them for a while.

Hope everyone has a lovely day. Chin tickles to all catsey pets :)

cats' staff
29-05-2014, 10:03 AM
Morning Pamela- it's grey and wet here (again) I do feel sorry for the youngsters on half term.
I'm putting together address lists so I can start some marketing to schools next week. The cats are in and out and getting VERY soggy- daft creatures!
Ah well, the weather will improve soon apparently. Hope everyone is staying warm and dry.

fecto's mum
29-05-2014, 11:27 AM
Morning all, love the word driech, just sums it up really.

Weather is pretty yuk here as well. Only The Big Foozy out at the moment. He doesn't seem to mind the wet. I think where he was before he was put out in all weathers. The cats all think that the weather will be different this time, every time they go out. They are most disappointed when it isn't. Little Chubbiz would stand at the door looking at the rain then at me as if to say 'well turn it off then, I want to go out'!

After Inky's escapades the other night he hasn't even ventured downstairs much let alone outside. He's not risking being out all night again, silly Inky. Should have come back in when he was shouted.

The dogs are sprawled on the furniture at the mo, OH is having a snooze after being up at daft o'clock to take the dogs out.

Shopping later and banks to pay some bills. Might try and persuade OH to have coffee somewhere, I fancy being 'civilised' for a change! Hope the weather fairs up, hate the grey, very depressing. Sunshine always makes me feel better. Hope everyone is well or getting better and big strokes all furries

29-05-2014, 11:51 AM
Morning all! Driech here too - I've just been out to get a prescription and got back just in time. Lights have been put on here and I'm just waiting for the thunder which is forecast. Silly OH has gone off to the driving range, which is under cover but ..........

Pamela, I am intrigued by the idea of a hammock for Barney in your car. Going to have to have a photo I think - how does a dog get into a hammock????

CS - good luck with your mailing, hope it gets results. My Pip is also out in all weathers and seems not to notice. He does love rubbing around my legs when he's soaking wet and loves being rubbed with paper towel, so perhaps he just does it as he knows he'll get squeaks from me and purrrrrs from him afterwards!

Hope you manage to get your civilised coffee out, FM with your OH. I did smile at your description of Chubbiz .... I'm sure cats think their people can do anything, it's humbling really. I guess small children are like that but don't know from experience! And yes, sunshine would be LOVELY, if we all concentrate really hard ............

Thanks for your comments Shelley and FM yesterday about my decorative papers. I am preparing photos and will do a separate thread.

Have a good day folks, keep dry if possible.

29-05-2014, 01:36 PM
I've just eaten the first two home grown strawberries of the season - absolutely yummy!

29-05-2014, 01:47 PM
Angie, if you go on to amazon and search for dog hammock you will see it :)

29-05-2014, 02:04 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: Thanks Pamela, I get the idea ...... I was picturing the sailor type hammock, the sort that you see on cartoons hung between two trees, silly me! Looks very sensible.

29-05-2014, 04:52 PM
Hi All! It's going on for 5 o'clock and this is my first sit down of the day. The carpets have been taken up and the wood floor put down, I'm pleased but it's a big change for us. Lots of dust to settle and I'm cleaning and vacuuming everywhere, plus a visit to the recycling centre tomorrow with all the excess foam and wood cut offs etc.

It's been driech here too all day but has brightened up in the last half hour. Both my cats were out in it because of all the comings and goings and yes, soggy is a pretty good description of the state of them :lol:

I'm catching up with the ironing tonight after the washer was repaired, wish me luck, I've already made a curry so our meal is sorted. I love the thought of fresh strawberries though, with double cream - mmmm :D

29-05-2014, 09:02 PM
Evening. Tired and fed up as the OH is being a prat again. Only so much that can be put up with :(

It's raining hard after being dry all day. Was up at Gaydon at the motor museum with the boys today. They particularly loved the land rover discovery 'experience' where we drove up sheer paths and perched on 2 wheels .. Yikes!! I hated it.

We are looking to adopt a Persian/exotic rescue. Eldest is upset as the cat we were hoping for has just been adopted. Trying through Chapelhouse and Rushden specialist rescues but may also look at CP.