View Full Version : Friday daily

14-03-2014, 07:47 AM
Sorry not been around a lot this week life and work and trying to fit in sleep. :roll:
Got Dave's funeral this afternoon so going to try to grab a few hours sleep.

Off for a fortnight, so should be around.

14-03-2014, 08:33 AM
Hi Kazz, try and relax, have a nice sleep, chat with you soon. Take care x

Good morning all. No lie-in today, quarter past 6 wake up call and all sorted now. Have an eye test at half nine, then sort out Ceri and get ready for visitors.

Sorry to hear about your troubles Shelley, hope things resolve soon. Hugs for you.

Enjoyed my visit with my nursing buddy, I'll post a pic of me with her pet therapy dog, Grace. You will fall in love with her as we both did.

have another nice sunny day in your part of the world. x

14-03-2014, 11:57 AM
Morning Kazz, hugs for you, not the best day. You will need your 2 weeks off.

PP hugs to you too, hope you have a good time with your visitors.

Sadly, we have thick misty/fog here which rolled in yesterday afternoon. It's very chilly too. Sunny evidently a bit further north. I have some work to do, so I am just going to go and put another jumper on and I'll get on with it.

Have a good day folks.

14-03-2014, 04:40 PM
afternoon all.
Been to work this morning and then a dog walk. Off hospital visiting, then i can hopefully relax and look forward to my dolly jaunt.
Angie, it has been misty here the last three days in the evening and morning, it's also gone very cold this afternoon.
Karen, i hope you enjoy your two weeks off work and everything goes ok this afternoon.
Nette, glad you enjoyed seeing your friend.