View Full Version : super sunday

07-04-2013, 09:21 AM
I say super because it is for us.hope it is for everyone else yesterday we went to Port Patrick,had a look around the shops and then we went a walk over the cliffs to à couple of hidden coves.before leaving we had a pub meal.both dogs were as good as gold and collapsed in a tired heap under the table.
Relaxing day at the Caravan today for us.how about you ?

07-04-2013, 10:19 AM
morning shelley sounds like you all had a great day :D We did a 17.5mile walk yesterday which was a lot of uphill. We were at 1 point trying to get through knee deep snow!! Needless to say we are both a bit sore today. Heading to costco to get salad stuff for lunches this week tohelp me loee a bit of weight,

Hope everyone has a great day

07-04-2013, 12:11 PM
Glad your walk went well pamela,i know what you mean about trudging through snow,my legs are still a bit Sore from the forest walk,lol

07-04-2013, 02:11 PM
I am impressed by all the activity ladies :D My Sunday has been spent clearing the bedroom of all unnecessary bits and bobs before the workmen start. Not a traditional roast today, had to use up broccoli and carrots that were lurking in the fridge so did some salmon steaks and lemon rice with them. Makes a change after all the Easter feasting. Chocolate is banned in this house for a month now!

07-04-2013, 02:29 PM
Afternoon all - just having a catch-up with my lunch. Very frosty here this morning, I had intended going out with OH and the dogs but have said I may go out this afternoon instead, but it's clouding over a bit now. Bit of excitement - OH came home with the dogs and said that I had to go and look at a car in the pub car park ...... it was a wee Fiat 600 Multipla (mid 1960s) looks like a dormobile in front ....... ah, those were the days, although I wasn't old enough to drive mid 60s!!! (Have a look on Google Images if you've no idea what I'm talking about!!!!)

Did some basic dog maintenance - cleaning Dora's ears is so easy and she's such a good girl but poor Monty has a bit of trouble with his ears - we are meant to pluck the insides but he won't tolerate it and cleaning them is a two person job. Poor boy, we must keep at it for his own sake.

"Sogging" this afternoon. Doing "something" with chicken for supper - may be a curry. Have a good day folks.

07-04-2013, 02:44 PM
Afternoon all.

Anyhow after an early frost I am now settled had a nice cup of coffee just have managed to get into the garden and give it a good tidy up - pleased to say.

Shelley sounds like a fantastic way to spend a weekend, enjoy the restful Sunday.
Pamela power to your knees and good luck with the training.
P.P Good luk with sorting through and clearing out its not as easy as it counds is it. I am slowly working through a clear out but end up with more of a mess than I started with it seems.

Angie I had to re-read your post as I thought you said I have to catch my lunch....I wondered what you were having roast Dora or grilled Monty for a moment......
Anyhow how nice to see the old car I have a fiat panda and love it even my brother who is a "car" man says its a fun drive you can hire little old Fiats to drive round in Devon etc maybe you can by you too.

One of my thoughts not dreams is to drive round the UK in an old camper van or old car.

07-04-2013, 03:21 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: sorry Kazz, no if I had to catch my own lunch, I would be very thin indeed!!!

cats' staff
07-04-2013, 08:24 PM
Hi all, it's been a lovely weekend here and I got three loads of washing dried outside! Managed 2 runs as it was so nice - yesterday I was listening to skylarks as I ran across a bridleway, gorgeous sound. That route also crosses a golf course which makes me a bit nervous.....

I started tidying the garden a bit today but the soil is still cold. I need to investigate cages or netting as between master Tolly's rolling antics and the pheasants my veg crops suffer!

Sounds as though everyone has been busy. Let's all hope spring stays around!