View Full Version : Sunday - St. Patrick's Day

17-03-2013, 10:57 AM
Morning everyone and Happy St. Patrick's Day to our Irish friends :D

Overcast and wet here again today. OH and the dogs got wet, have had their muddy bits washed (dogs, not OH) and are drying off now, dogs with chews and OH with a nice fresh mug of coffee. Later, he and Monty will be off to agility - to get wet and muddy again. When will it ever stop???

We watched a gentle film last evening, based on a true story - We Bought a Zoo - has anyone seen it???

Computer is still being problematic at start up, not sure what's causing it as everything seems to work fine once it's running but we have to keep poking it to stop it going back to sleep ................ will have to speak to the wizard tomorrow as it's not right and causing stress.

Have a grand day folks, enjoy your Guinness!

cats' staff
17-03-2013, 05:36 PM
Thoroughly wet day here! I wimped out of running outdoors and wen to the gym. Cats have decided that the sofa is the best bet.

I hope Monty and OH didn't get too wet at agility Angie? How is the Dora proofing of the kitchen going?

Happy St Patrick's' Day all.

17-03-2013, 05:57 PM
afternoon everyone. Hope your OH had a good agility class today and didnt get too wet angie
CS, i think the cats have the right idea!!

I too went to the gym today and had a decent work out. My charity walk is only 5weeks away so trying to train hard now for it. I have a juts giving page on virgin if anyone wants to have a look at the charity info. The car got a clean bill of health yesterday and we also got the car eys back as soon as they were finished!!! Went out for dinner then relaxed with a movie last night. Tonight is just the usual sunday and getting organised for work tomorrow. Bought my swimming costume so hoping to start swimming possibly this week but will see how confident i feel!!

Happy St Patricks day aswell to everyone. hope its a good 1 :)

17-03-2013, 07:36 PM
evening all.
Pamela and CS you are so good going to the gym.
Angie i hope you get you're computer sorted soon it's awful when there's a problem.
Been helping at a zumbathon today, it's to do with work and to raise money for the charity. I didn't zumba, just helped out. We have to do 3 fundraising events a year so thats one down two to go.
Hopefuly a nice relaxing evening in.
Watched 12 something hours last night about the climber who got stuck in a crevice by his arm. At first i thought i may have to turn it off but i'm glad i stuck it out as it turned out to be a good film.