View Full Version : breakfast bar Wednesday

13-02-2013, 08:42 AM
Good morning everyone. We have woken upto snow again today. OH went to move his car this morning so I could get mine from the garage and he decides to tell to just get in his as he is taking me to work because he knows I don't like driving in the snow especially with a rear wheel drive car. That was at 645am this morning. Poor soul now has to get home and get ready for his own work.

My car also failed its mot yesterday on the height of the headlight beam but its an easy fix and will pass its retest.

13-02-2013, 08:54 AM
Morning all.

Pamela almost posted at the same time but just seen yours so here I am.

Home now and really need some sleep I am shattered I have been out with Sal (who is doing really good)and now to bed.

Sorry about the quiz Monday my Aunt was taken into hospital again, and is still there we have now discovered she has a faulty or fault on/in her pacemaker....Oh hum I think I may have to get a season ticket for the hosiptals.
Need to look at getting her into a care home seriously.

Angie I think lurchers are known for counter surfing aren't they. Seems Kizzy has her head screwed on good cat - being a Brummie you see ;)

Shelley what a brilliant find a "Brave" to be honest I would have passed him by too. Is he a specific tribe and if so will his headband have to be the colours of the "tribe" or not.

Pamela - shame about the car would they not just have phoned you adjusted them and then passed it? But good news all told.

Hope everyone is good its cold here and more snow forcast.

Good night all.

13-02-2013, 08:55 AM
Pamela, thats lovely of him - he's a keeper. :)

13-02-2013, 06:41 PM
hello all, lovely o/h Pamela
Karen, so sorry to hear of you're poor aunt, you are just not destined to do the quiz, i did wonder if everything was ok as you said you would be along. Hope the poor lady is sorted soon.
Feeling rough still, i went to work this afternoon and got lots of sympathy from my collegues, have been told not to go in tomorrow, they don't want to catch it either. I need to get well as i am away for four days with the children next week .
Howard said the brave was mingeing, but i know what i am looking for and he jumped out at me from amongst all the tat. Don't know if he's from a particular tribe, he will have to have a headband to match his outfit which is yellow and orange felt. He was made around 1938.

13-02-2013, 07:37 PM
Evening all ........... (don't suppose anyone here is old enough to remember Dixon of Dock Green???)

I thought I'd made a post on this thread but seemingly not - don't know where my brain is sometimes, hibernating and looking forward to the Spring.

I went out to collect the fleece blankets this morning - from a lady that has a sewing business in Emsworth. I'd taken a fleece jumper that Dora had chewed the cuffs. I'd asked the lady to put false cuffs on with some of the tiger fleece and it looks grand - well I shall love wearing it now. The jumper was nothing special except warm and comfy and now it has tiger cuffs!

Dora and I are off to dog training in a while. We have a test tonight, so please send "be good" vibes. It's not formal and no-one fails but it is pleasing to get a good score.

Sorry to hear about your aunt Kazz - your family are probably the NHS's best patients just now. Hopefully she will feel better soon.

cats' staff
13-02-2013, 09:12 PM
Hello all, I've been at Wrest Park all day sorting out the Education room there- cold but beautiful.
Kazz, sorry to hear about your Aunt- hope they sort out the pacemaker. Hope your 'brave' cleans up OK Shelley.
Pamela- Kazz is right, you have a keeper there! Angie, I do remember Dixon of Dock Green-maybe from repeats though.... Hope Dora behaved at training?
Tolly is in little s*d mode tonight and has chased and jumped on Smudge, terrorized Cleo and chomped OH! He is now sleeping the sleep of the just on the sofa!

13-02-2013, 09:36 PM
CS, sounds like Tolly has it on him tonight.
Hope training went well Angie. I remember dixon of doc green but don't think i watched it as a child.
Forgot to say Tuppence had a play today for........ wait for it......... 10 seconds. She looked a bit frisky so i tied some cotton to her toy mouse. After jiggling it around she jumped for it, i moved the cotton and it landed on her back. She made that little bleating noise cats do and promptly shot back upstairs to bed :D