View Full Version : Twinkly Tuesday

18-12-2012, 11:44 AM
A bright 'morning all to everyone this morning ........ lovely day, blue and calm.

I am hoping that Kazz has her power restored this morning ... what a time of the year for men to be digging up things and leaving people without light and heat ... wonder what happened. Are you OK Kazz?

Hope Pamela is feeling better this morning and Yola too.

I have our handy-man coming around later to measure up for higher fences or trellis to prepare for new pup who I think must have a fair measure of kangaroo in her genes. And then I am being taken out for Christmas tea by a couple of ladies that I do work for .... we've been up to The Pavilion Tea Rooms at Stansted for their special tea now for a few years and it's really lovely, so I'm off just before 3 and probably won't need any supper tonight.

Hope you all have a good day whatever you are doing.

18-12-2012, 02:21 PM
Morning, it's bright and sunny here too, but some big old clouds scuttling about also. Been to get OH's present from Pangbourne, now need to feed boys quickly and then run to Crabtree & Evelyn and get some Xmas house scent - nothing comes close to theirs, and also order some flowers to match overall Christmas colour scheme.

Then back home for some piano practice with the boys and to do battle with the ironing. I have several duvet covers to do which slows things down a bit. Then maybe I'll have a moment to sit down and put my feet up! :shock:

Just edited to say that yes I do have antibiotics/penicillin but overall they haven't started working really yet.

18-12-2012, 02:41 PM
I am back. So sorry about yesterday not sure what caused it however street rumour ;) is a chap cut through something while taking out conifer roots........not out for as long as I thought but glad I was not at work. Went to bed early and never really noticed.

I will be at work tonight so see you all tomorrow.

Angie thanks for letting people know and sounds like the puppy plans are well in action. Do enjoy your tea sounds lovely.

Yola sorry to hear you are on antibiotics etc what is it have I missed the diagnosis?
Sounds like a busy day. I am looking for a Christmas scent - never tried Crabtree and Evelyn??? Is it worth it?

Oddly I have just brought some roses and carnations for the vases I do love fresh flowers at Christmas just got to buy and arrange the big display at the weekend or Friday. I have to have scented lillies......

18-12-2012, 03:04 PM
afternoon all.
Yola, hope the AB's start to work soon, try not to do too much ,lol
Karen, glad you have the power back
Angie, hope you enjoy you're afternoon tea.
Been to work and am wearing raindeer headbobbers whilst there ( as you do ) lol
jobs to do this afternoonand a dog walk

18-12-2012, 03:05 PM
My car has reindeer antlers too will try to find the time to get a picture before the quiz Friday.

18-12-2012, 04:55 PM
Hi everyone!

Hope Pamela and Yola are feeling better today.

I started my christmas shopping today and got a grand total of five presents! (and three of those were for the cats!) Actually, when I think about it, one of those is a birthday present. Damit!
I've even got some tinsel draped around the place and the tree up! I can't seem to get a good photo of it though :(

cats' staff
18-12-2012, 05:09 PM
Hi all, I'm playing sardines on a very crowded train from Liverpool St. The power lines are down on the line from Kings Cross so everyone is crammed onto the slow train.
Hope those feeling ill are feeling better soon and that all festive/ puppy preparations are going to plan.

18-12-2012, 06:02 PM
I am so sorry I hope this is not the start of "power problems" for Catsey members.

Sure you will feel better soon its a WEEK to
C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S (I have to spell it out otherwise I get too excited) EKKKKKKKKK its almost Christmas :) :) :) :)