View Full Version : Spring Tuesday

20-03-2012, 10:52 AM
It's the first day of Spring today, or so I'm told on the radio. Got confused as the Equinox is tomorrow but of course it is Leap Year ......

A grey and chilly first day of Spring here. May try and get some more weeding done, but I am a bit stiff from yesterday - shoulders and top of arms surprisingly.

OH is playing golf today, so it may be cuddle up on the sofa with Monty and read .........

Big news is that Pip is on a diet! He has suddenly put on weight and can't jump up onto the kitchen worktop! He's not 3 yet and is an active boy. My theory is that he is eating for comfort as he doesn't show other stress signs from being pounced on by Monty. Poor lad, I know how he feels about the extra weight and I shall try to give him extra comfort while he trims down. I don't suppose it will take too long.

Have a good day folks!

20-03-2012, 12:12 PM
morning Angie and all to follow.
Cuddling up with Monty and a book sounds delightful :)
Good luck Pip with your diet.
Been out walking with the dogs and they have just had their meal of raw minced lamb and biscuits, followed by a dish of veggie water, yum, yum. Have to watch Kwame with the water as he tries to drink the lot and it does seem to act as a diuretic.
Need to do a bit of housework and then it's work this afternoon for me.

20-03-2012, 12:39 PM
Hello.. Spring you say? Hmm, here its looking more like fall today:(

We had to cut our walk short, as Luna stepped on a bit of glass:? I wish they would stop making bottles in glass and stick to just plastic.

It doesn't bleed much, so I've rinsed it with some antisept and she seems fine, no limping..

20-03-2012, 12:41 PM
Poor Luna - hope the cut heals well and quickly. Healing vibes from me and Monty.

cats' staff
20-03-2012, 01:10 PM
Hi, spring like here too. I'm hoping to to get a lunchtime walk in the botanic gardens. Hope your aches and pains improve Angie. Enjoy the housework Shelley (!) and I hope Luna's foot is OK Jeanette

20-03-2012, 02:28 PM
Thank you both:) Atleast its not bleeding. But I'll keep an eye on it just to be safe

20-03-2012, 05:05 PM
Hope Luna's foot heals up quickly Jeanette, it's dreadful when glass is just dropped anywhere. :evil:

Morgan and I had a longer walk than expected this afternoon. My manicurist had her baby on Sunday (Mothering Sunday, what good timing is that!) and as I'd knitted a cute little pink hat for her, I thought I'd drop it in at the salon today. Normally I drive there but it's a nice day so I decided to walk and take Morgan even though he'd already had his hour in the woods, a good bit of onlead walking was just what he needs. I could cut along a footpath, a shorter route than driving, there and back about 50-55 minutes I reckoned. Boy did I underestimate how long it takes on foot!:roll: plus the boy wanted to sniff every lampost/gatepost/wall/fence etc so a lot of corrective input needed. In all we were out for over 2 hours, I'm hot and bothered, my feet hurt and he's crashed out on the sofa! Who knew the salon was so far?

I'm off to put the kettle on, I need a cuppa :lol:

20-03-2012, 10:04 PM
evening everyone, after a not so good day at work, i went and met my friend for a bit of retail therapy and ended up getting wee silly things for OH instead!!! I have posted about the quiz on shelleys thread as shelley wont be able to join us this week :(