View Full Version : Friday

16-03-2012, 08:55 AM
Good morning everyone, just about to get ready for work.
I'm staying there all day and evening as we have to host a cheese and wine event for the convention.
Hope everyone has a good day and maybe see you later.

16-03-2012, 10:04 AM
Morning Shelley and those to follow.

Home from work had a bacon and egg sarnie and hard night....building up to Easter now ....took Sal out and now going to having a brief check out on here and then....Ahhhh bliss......... bed for a few hours. Then action stations.

16-03-2012, 11:53 AM
Morning Shelley, Kazz. A bleary morning here - we were both up and down last night as our burglar alarm kept going off .... first time at 3.00am we both got up and then it was quiet for a couple of hours but started again just before 5.00am so I got up and went and sat in the kitchen and kept resetting it as it went off another half a dozen times. OH managed to sleep through that, so I think I did a good job. Our electrician will hopefully be coming round later to isolate it until the alarm man can get here .......

OH has gone off to play golf and I may have to have a little snooze later.

Hope your day goes well folks. Loving smooths to all Catsey cats from me today.

Kizzy and Pip were lovely and sat with me in the small hours until the birds started their chorus!

16-03-2012, 03:05 PM
Alarm cats good cats.

16-03-2012, 06:11 PM
evening everyone,

shelley, enjoy your convention xx
Angie, i hope you managed to get some sleep after you got your alarm sorted x
Kazz, hope you had a good day at work x

I fell asleep last night after the quiz but gt up this morning and still felt not right but went to work anyway. Just in so relaxing tonight as im working tomorrow for half a day :(

16-03-2012, 09:20 PM
Sorry to hear that you are still not feeling well Pamela, hope whatever it is clears away soon.

The alarm man managed to call this afternoon and the trouble was that a mouse had chewed a wire behind one of the sensors, but because it was not a clean break, the alarm kept going off. All is now sorted and fingers crossed for a better night. I see now why Kizzy and Pip were so comforting to me last night ..... they were feeling guilty!!!

16-03-2012, 10:29 PM
Tut tut.........an alarming experience all round........you have to forgive me feeling the effects of not having alot of sleep to be able to sleep tonight a bit like a hangover without the "cause"