View Full Version : Any ideas?

21-02-2012, 02:45 PM
Hey ladies :-)

I'm just after some advise.

I started letting Jerry out a while back now and to start with things were great, we live on street that nearly every house has a cat so there are alot around and they regularly come into our garden. Jerry is usually a little miffed at this but there wasn't any major drama up until a few weeks ago. There is a local (I think) cats that comes through a few times a week and he's massive. A few weeks ago I heard a bit of a commotion coming from the back and this massive cat had Jerey cornered, he ran off when I went out. It's been going on like this a few times a week since. Yesterday however the big cat took things to a new level and chased jerry into the house and cornered him in one of his beds upstairs! Jerry now will only go out when I'm with him :(

Any ideas on what I could do to deter this cat? We can't cat proof the garden as the one neighbours side only has a hedge and wire fence.

I've been going out and shooing the cat away every time I see him in the garden but other than that I have no idea what else I can do, any ideas?

Hope you are all well x

21-02-2012, 03:09 PM
Hi Erin - good to hear from you. Poor Jerry! That's such a shame. The only thing I can think of, could you make a secure enclosure for Jerry in the garden (another member Velvet has done this and has posted photos). At least he would be safe and be able to go out in the sunshine.

Otherwise a water pistol at the ready always to spray this bully of a cat.

21-02-2012, 03:13 PM
The vet recommended a water pistol but I don't think I can bring myself to do that. Although if it comes to it I guess I will have to.

We don't have the space in the garden to put up an enclosure after having decking and a shed up. Steve insisted on the biggest shed he could get away with, what is it with men and sheds :roll:

21-02-2012, 03:18 PM
A squirt from a water pistol won't hurt the cat ...... and he's bulling your Jerry, fair dos, I'd say!

21-02-2012, 04:03 PM
A squirt from a water pistol won't hurt the cat ...... and he's bulling your Jerry, fair dos, I'd say!

Yes your right, I need to do something before Jerry refuses to go out all together. It's such a shame cause he's been having a brilliant time, he loves it outside! I don't want this to stress him out to much and cause the cystitis to raise its ugly head, he's been doing so well since the food change and have access to the outside.

21-02-2012, 05:27 PM
Exactly Erin ...... pretend you are a mother lioness, you are only protecting Jerry!