View Full Version : Tithonia Tuesday

29-11-2011, 04:40 PM
HI people, late Daily again! Very gloomy here, the rain has finally started : nearing 10:45 AM and still unseasonably mild at 16℃ (60℉). That won't last, cold front is behind the rain. Managed to get out for Leia's grass before the rain, fortunately. And at breakfast I saw a small hawk that perched briefly on the fence of the house behind our complex!! I didn't have my distance glasses on so not sure what kind it was; seemed a bit large for a peregrine, though. It's very rare to see a hawk in the City, quite chuffed at it! :D End of news! :-D

Hope all are well and having a good day.

29-11-2011, 05:03 PM
Not long back from work here Eileen - though a later start today. And I get to stay home.

How fun to see a Hawk of some description. There was a man with a bird of prey at Morrisons when I passed through yesterday. That felt a little strange!

Not much to report here really. Think it's time for a hot drink though, so shall go do.

Have a good day all. :)

29-11-2011, 05:20 PM
Some may remember my mentioning I'd ordered a needlepoint kit ... just got an e-mail shipping notice and it's coming from Sheffield, England. I didn't realize I was on a UK site!

What''s Morrisons, Squirrel? Why would a falconer be there?

29-11-2011, 05:41 PM
Wow! That's a little unusual Eileen! :)

Morrisons - one of our supermarkets. No clue why a falconer would be there! Just caused me to smile as I was passing through the car park...

29-11-2011, 06:32 PM
Afternoon Eileen, Squirrel. It's quite stormy here just now, been blowing all day but raining too now. I've been out to meet some ex-work colleagues for lunch which was lovely. We have dog training this evening, so "Good Dog" vibes would be much appreciated. May be a bit of a hairy journey as a lot of the roads are through wooded areas.

Exciting seeing a hawk Eileen. What raptors might you get in your area? I know you say they are rare in the city. We get Peregrine, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk commonly around here. Peregrines nest and raise their young every year at Chichester Cathedral - very religiously!!!

29-11-2011, 07:08 PM
We have peregrines, kestrels and the Cooper's hawk, I've seen all 3 at least once, although the Coopers may have been the sharp-shinned hawk, they look very much alike. That one had just captured a bird at my old bird feeder and was plucking it; by the time I'd gotten the binoculars for a better look it had flown off with its dinner! Our peregrines nest on office buildings, etc., down town!

Good boy vibes coming! :D

29-11-2011, 07:11 PM
I had to look "tithonia" up - Mexican sunflower, not known to me but interestingly this link also came up! Just thought I'd post because these sort of things are, well, just interesting! :D


29-11-2011, 07:35 PM
evening everyone. Late post from me. not long in from work. Long day aswell today as it wasnt very busy at all today. Thats cool that you seen a hawk squirrel :) Angie, hope you enjoyed your lunch. Eileen, sorry to hear you are getting the bad weather now aswell xx

29-11-2011, 08:19 PM
Evening all! What a nasty day here today, rain and wind and really cold ... brrr. Did our visit to the gym again this morning. Then this afternoon went for our flu jabs. Not a busy day but did get around to odd jobs in the house that have been neglected for a while, some loose screws on the cupboards, putting photos in albums, shredding old papers etc. A good day's work done

Not much wild bird life around here lately, mainly due to a prolific magpie population which have taken over of late and have become the resident gangsters. Heavy old birds too, they don't half land on my perspex roof with a thud! Although they are very attractive to look at. Hope my robin returns soon, he's a cheeky chap and gives the maggies short shrift :)

29-11-2011, 08:33 PM
I had to look "tithonia" up - Mexican sunflower, not known to me but interestingly this link also came up! Just thought I'd post because these sort of things are, well, just interesting! :D


Thanks for that link, weird, but interesting indeed!. I was sure I had a pic of tithonia in my garden in my PB, but apparently don't, so for those who don't know it, here's a pic. They re an almost flourescent orange, and very striking; easy to grow. http://www.tsflowers.com/tithonia.jpg

29-11-2011, 08:36 PM
evening everyone. Late post from me. not long in from work. Long day aswell today as it wasnt very busy at all today. Thats cool that you seen a hawk squirrel :) Angie, hope you enjoyed your lunch. Eileen, sorry to hear you are getting the bad weather now aswell xx

Pamela, it was me that saw the hawk!

The rain is almost over, and it's dropped from 60℃ to 50℃.

29-11-2011, 09:07 PM
i had typed you first and then i read squirrels post, sincere apologies eileen for misreading xxx

29-11-2011, 09:40 PM
No problem! It was such a pleasant surprise, as I said you very very seldom see hawks in the City!