View Full Version : Persian Monday

26-09-2011, 11:59 AM
Every one's a fluffy one! (Do you remember that advert?)

Hi all - beginning of another week. Overcast here and a few spits of rain earlier, but when the sky cleared it was HOT! Gone back to overcast again atm.

Monty has had his walk - he is definitely becoming a teenager and OH and I were talking about when to have him neutered. Ideally I'd like to put it off until he's a year old, but his behaviour may make us bring it forward - still we hope to put it off as long as we can so that he will be properly physically mature beforehand.

OH is golfing this afternoon, not sure what I'm going to do yet, probably some housework and then I must get back to my book ................ :D

Have a good day peeps!

26-09-2011, 12:09 PM
Hi Angie...

No, fraid I don't remember the advert...

Over here - day off cause of busy weekend, and manny coming to check the gas. Bit concerned cause it sounds like it's still on to me, but he's assured me it's as off as it can go, so... :? I don't ever use it!!! Oh well then, trust me to panic over nothing!

Guides again this evening - we're having a board games night - I've agreed to take in something about the history of board games... isn't the internet a wonderful place to get info???!? ;)

Have a good day all!

26-09-2011, 12:27 PM
Yes, I love the internet for those sort of things too Squirrel. Just checked that advert out - it was for Jacobs marshmallow teacake (not sure about that though) although I do remember the dormouse!

26-09-2011, 12:31 PM
Morning all.

Squirrel have I missed something why is your gas turned off??

Angie, Monty will calm down try and ride it through if you can although I am not sure on the information on castrating a dog. What part of his behaviour are you hoping it will improve? As far as I am aware it will just reduce his interest in bitches in season.

ANyhow off to get the food shopping I have been putting it off all weekend and done nothing. See you all later.

Have a good day all.

26-09-2011, 12:46 PM
Sorry Kazz... Gas fire. CH and gas had it's annual check up today to make sure all was fit and well for the winter period starting. I never turn the fire on, being content to use blankets if the heating isn't warm enough on its own, and so am unsure about how to know for sure when the fire is switched off properly, and how to go about doing so. So when the man went to his van and the fire seemed to be on to my perception, and I couldn't get it to turn off I panicked a little...

26-09-2011, 03:37 PM
Hi, all. Heavy cloud cover STILL, has been like that for days, forgot what the sun looks like. Windless, very humid, about 10:30 and mild, 22 C (71 F); just out to pick grass. All's quiet, no news.

Squirrel, I envy you the gas; the stove here is electric and I don't use it; how I miss my gas. Kazz, you did nothing over the weekend: no plastering, tiling, painting....:shock: :mrgreen: Angie, what book are you reading? I'm on Katherine Neville's The Eight, and not really enjoying it; the French Revolution isn't a period I have much interest in...

First full week of Autumn, sun is setting before 7 pm now.....:sad:

Enjoy the day! :D

26-09-2011, 04:24 PM
Yes I did nothing...................honest.

26-09-2011, 04:33 PM
Hard to believe, Ms Energizer Bunny! Seriously, I envy your enthusiasm and energy level!

26-09-2011, 04:38 PM
This (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sovereign-Shardlake-C-J-Sansom/dp/1405050489) is the book Eileen - I was reminded by MrsH a week or so ago that I enjoyed this series. Sovereign is the 3rd book.

Sorry the French Revolution isn't for you! I'd like to find a series set during the English Civil War, a period that I've been interested in for a while.

26-09-2011, 08:18 PM
This (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sovereign-Shardlake-C-J-Sansom/dp/1405050489) is the book Eileen - I was reminded by MrsH a week or so ago that I enjoyed this series. Sovereign is the 3rd book.

Sorry the French Revolution isn't for you! I'd like to find a series set during the English Civil War, a period that I've been interested in for a while.

Not a series, but trying to remember one I'd read a while back that was set in that time period, but couldn't. Did a Google to see if I could jog my memory; found two I'd read and enjoyed. Don't know if you've read them:

Pargeters - Nora Lofts
White Witch - Elizabeth Goudge

I love Nora Lofts!

26-09-2011, 08:23 PM
Thanks Eileen - I've come across a good looking website that lists over 5000 historical novels - I'll post a link .....


I used to like Rosemary Sutcliffe when younger and Anya Seaton. I'm sure I've read the White Witch, but many moons ago now.

26-09-2011, 08:35 PM
What a cool site! I've bookmarked it and off to check to see if Amazon has two that look interesting! Thanks!