View Full Version : Turquoise Thursday

25-08-2011, 12:07 PM
Afternoon all! Awoke this morning to torrential rain which has eased off and we have had some sun and blue sky, but it is clouding over again now. OH and Monty have been out - OH was reasonably dry but Monty got soaked because he met a bouncy young staffie and they took turns pouncing on each other and boxing in between. OH does have some interesting meetings when out on his own with Monty but for some reason all the interesting people evaporate when I'm with them :( OH usually chats up the women but this morning he said he met only men out with their dogs because it was wet!!!

Have done some housework and washing is on, but won't be hung out today I'm afraid. I do bless the tumble dryer on days like these. Not sure what I'll do this afternoon - I think the time is coming to get back to family history research .....

Have a good day everyone - stay dry if it's wet where you live.

25-08-2011, 03:07 PM
Afternoon all! It's just started to pour down here after a really good start. Just as well because the workmen have started on my block driveway today and are cutting up the concrete with pick, shovel and jack hammer!

Glad I got my washing done, now to face the ironing tonight ! :shock:

Have a good genealogy day Angie, there was a good "Who do you think you are?" on last night with Seb Coe, did you see it?

25-08-2011, 03:40 PM
Hi Angie, PP! Isn't there a song line about it's raining all over the world? It has been here; cloudy and two brief showers since I got up. It's a bit after 10:30 now and 24 C (75 F), and quite muggy. More showers predicted, some heavy, thru the afternoon and early evening. Then the Hurricane cometh over the weekend; not a good week weatherwise, earthquakes and hurricanes.

No news really, down to get grass and pick up mail; package from Amazon came and I had to lug it up 3 flights as the elevators were down being checked out! Oh well, the exercise is good for me .... :roll:

Angie, hope the geneology hunting goes well. PP, ironing, ugh!

Stay dry! :D

25-08-2011, 06:06 PM
Hi all...

Mostly sun here, though a bit wet for a short while. Just as well, I was out and about with work, and travelling on the train.

We finished off the afternoon with a game or 5 of consequences. I still can't get my head round the idea of Santa meeting Medussa on a nudist beach in Sweden, where the consequence was him producing a musical about their story!!! :lol:

Hope everyone has a good rest of their day.

25-08-2011, 07:52 PM
Consequences???? I used to play that years ago!

25-08-2011, 08:31 PM
It was definitely good fun. Long time since I played it too.