View Full Version : Bath time for Tybalt

15-08-2011, 03:24 PM
I can't really believe this amazing video ...... this cat belongs to the sister of one of the moderators on the Schnauzer forum I belong to.


18-08-2011, 08:21 PM
*** bump *** in case you've all missed this little gem!

18-08-2011, 08:45 PM
Bless him! I've never seen such a calm cat at bath time!

19-08-2011, 09:13 AM
Awwww what a good puss! :D

19-08-2011, 10:30 AM
It may seem a stupid question but unless theyve rolled in something obnoxious why would you want to bath a cat? Do show cats get bathed? Are you meant to bath your pet cat? Mine even hate the brush - i do brush them despite protests. Mindy is the only one who sits quietly & doesnt appear to mind getting groomed

19-08-2011, 10:53 PM
I dont understand the need to bathe unless they dont wash themselves, but he seems to love it doesnt he?? lol does she towel dry him after?? awww lickle kitty Denis likes water but I think if I tried that he'd take my face off :lol:

20-08-2011, 07:55 PM
If cats could talk....

.."ohh yeah,.. hey, that's not too bad actually..Think I'll just stand and ponder for a little while...I like the on-site massage therapist,..but..something just doesn't seem quite right'...
Oh yes now that was it!!:( That snake-hose-hissy thing, don't like that! No sirree, don't like that!'
'I guess I'll just stay here until we're done..I tried to climb out once and I just kept slipping straight back in...o well...'

20-08-2011, 09:39 PM
Surprisingly, he took it quite well. I was mildly disappointed not to see him wrapped up in a towel afterwards though. :p:-P

..and yes, Helen, like you, I wondered the same question but have since learnt that plenty of show cats are bathed prior to a show. Depending on their coats, they are bathed two days beforehand so that the coat doesn't go like a dandelion clock if it isn't meant to be. Others on here who have show cats may be able to give better informed replies. I know a breeder of devon rexes who says some of her kitten families who show do tend to bathe their little ones but others just give a good wipe down and cleanse the ears.