View Full Version : Wednesday - wet through!

22-06-2011, 10:29 AM
Heavy showers were forecast and they were right. Didn't take a coat with me to the gym and got caught in a downpour :? Still got soaked thoroughly in the pool later so hence the daily title. Hope it's cleared up where you are, especially at Wimbledon for the tennis, such a spoiler this time of year.

Have ironing to do later and I may do a bit of home cooking, have lots of apples to use up. Can't make pastry though because of our low fat diets, stewed fruit it is then :roll: may get away with a sprinkling of crumble. Any ideas? Is apple meringue possible, have eggs that are nearly up to their use by date?

22-06-2011, 11:21 AM
Morning PP,
how energetic you are, gym then a swim. I'm impressed.
Weather wise not too bad here yet, had a few short showers.
Been a brief dog walk, then a small carboot which was rubbish. Just cleaned bathroom and need to take the dogs a proper walk.

22-06-2011, 01:29 PM
Hi PP and Shelley! Heavy showers here - we all got wet again walking Monty. Had to wash him off a bit when we got back and then dry him off. OH gave him a bit of a brush too - grass seeds are now the problem, cleaver seeds not so much now. At one point on the walk, Monty came rushing up to us and I thought he was covered with greenfly all over his little face - but it was grass seeds!

We had a mouse in the lounge last night, fighting fit and active and I was asking OH if we still had a humane trap. He replied "We've got two mouse traps asleep in the bedroom!" Quite true too - Kizzy was actually on duty this morning, so we presume mouse is still around. Who would credit it??? Perhaps I ought to cut their food down a bit to see if it encourages them to catch the rodent, but knowing them, they would just bring in a few more!!!

Sorry, PP - don't know about apple meringue. We are making a tarte tatin this week, but as it's a huge treat, we use puff pastry - naughty naughty but I've never tasted anything so delicious.

Have a good day everyone - just off to get a sandwich and an apple for lunch.

Edited to say: Just to remind everyone that the Quiz will take place this evening as usual - around 8.15. Everyone welcome.

22-06-2011, 04:00 PM
Hi all. No rain here, just mostly cloudy and temps back to normal by afternoon: 25 C (79 F) now; 50% of afternoon storms. Still bagging and boxing, no news really.

Angie, hope Kizzy gets the mouse! And more rain on little Monty, :sad: Shelley, hope it's a good dog walk. PP, how about making applesauce; lovely with pork, and I use it like jam on toast or a scone. Or fried apples, a popular Southern side dish?

Take care, all; see some of you at the quiz!

22-06-2011, 08:54 PM
Hi all...

I'm just back from day in Ed with my friend! It was utterly Fab. Only disappointed that it's now done, and I won't get to see her again for however many years (she does live in Canada...). I'd do it all again tomorrow had she the time and I the energy.

I also got to have lunch with my Dad, and evening meal with my brother - which meant that I got through a day trip to Ed, spending no more than my train fare!!! How jammy is that?!? I have now visited a book shop which may well take much of my funds when I've got it to spend on books though - was just looking today.

And we were so lucky - after yesterdays day of rain, we actually got over cast skies changing to sun. I hope the same happens for them tomorrow so that they don't have to battle with the rain to get some sight seeing etc done.

Hope everyone had a good day. :)

22-06-2011, 08:58 PM
sounds like you had a great day, Kate with your friend and family.
I love book shops too

22-06-2011, 08:59 PM
Glad you had a good visit with your friend. decent weather and ended up not spending oodles of money ... can't ask for better!:D

22-06-2011, 09:22 PM
OOoooh - a book shop, that 's very tempting! Glad you had a good day with your friend Squirrel.

cats' staff
22-06-2011, 09:32 PM
Sounds like a great day Squirrel, glad the weather held. It sounds like everyone else in the UK got wet.
I had a 'breakfast' meeting at Woburn Safari Park so had to drive in before it was officially open. We had very clear directions which included the instruction to ignore 'no entry' signs. I was quite nervous in case I ignored the wrong 'no entry' sign and ended up facing a hippo or something! Thankfully I got it right.
DM, like the idea of fried apples! Angie, does Monty need his own brolly? PP apple snow uses egg white but as it also has double cream I'm not sure that fits the low fat diet. It might work with half fat creme fraiche?