View Full Version : Pip loves my new tea bags!

01-11-2010, 01:32 PM
I have just bought some herbal tea bags to see if they will help me get a better night's sleep. I did not see this as I was out when the delivery arrived but OH says that Pip went crazy for the box of tea bags:lol: :lol: :lol:

Can anyone think why - here are the ingredients:-
oat flower
licorice root
chamomile flower
lavender flower
valerian root
tulsi leaf

I will try it tonight and see (a) if he reacts to it again and (b) whether it helps me!

01-11-2010, 03:17 PM
Angie, the ingredients are very aromatic so probably Pip was intrigued by the smells. Licorice is good for calming acidic stomachs and valerian is sleep-inducing, camomile is calming too. Don't know what effect the leaves would have if ingested though so best keep it out of reach of curious paws :)

Good luck with the infusion and hope it helps with the sleep.

01-11-2010, 03:41 PM
Thanks PP - yes, I can smell them too and they are individually wrapped inside the box! They do smell very peaceful ........... if that makes sense.

01-11-2010, 04:41 PM
Angie, I suspect it;s the valerian. Many cats have the exact reaction to it as catnip. I tried some for Leia, but she is a non-reactor to it also.

Hope it helps you sleep better.

01-11-2010, 05:16 PM
Thanks Eileen! I did wonder whether it was valerian. I'll let you know how I sleep tomorrow ........

cats' staff
01-11-2010, 10:13 PM
Ah, Pukka Night Time? I recognise the list. They taste a lot better than pure camomile and I always take one with me when I'm working away as I don't sleep properly in hotel rooms (off again tomorrow!) they do help me. None of our lot have been interested but yes they are pungent!