View Full Version : Started off Wet Wednesday, but now Dry and Sunny Wednesday!

27-10-2010, 12:40 PM
Hellooooooooooooo .............. is there anybody there?

Just as the title here. Was horrid first thing. OH has gone off with a friend to the RAF museum at Tangmere and I am trying not to cry about my income tax! May have to go and cuddle Kizzy instead.

Hope all are well, warm and dry - peeps and furry friends too.

Quiz this evening ................. 8.15 ish. Please join us if you possibly can. All for fun.

27-10-2010, 01:21 PM
Hello Angie and all to follow.
Please don't cry, it's only money,lol.
Not a good day for us vehicle wise. Howard left for work only to siscover his van was leaking diesel, off to the mechanic who replaced a fuel pipe.
Meanwhile i get Malaika into the car ready to meet her friends in the park only to discover it won't start.
Howard has just taken it to the mechanic who will hopefully fix it in the next few days.

27-10-2010, 04:04 PM
Hi, Angie. Shelley! Where are the others? Delightfully unseasonable here today, 22 C (72 F); cloudy with a chance of rain. We must have had some overnight as everything was wet when I got up. But apparently the worst of that awful midland storm will miss us. No errands so a lie in; grocery delivery is today as I have my annual eye exam tomorrow afternoon; not looking forward to it as I hate the dreadful headache I get trying to read or use the computer until the eye dilation finally wears off. Ah well, can't be helped. Still struggling with the pot installation, have one foot attached but having difficulty with the screws: my Phillips screwdriver doesn't seem to mesh well with the screws...???

Commiserations Angie, I haye income tax too! Shelley, sorry about the car trouble. Looling forward tp the quiz tonight, hope we get a good turnout.

Stay warm and dry!

27-10-2010, 06:45 PM
Morning, everyone :D
Overcast but still and dry atm. 50 degrees.
Saw the psych yesterday who changed my meds. Picked up some laminate flooring that looks like redwood. Have enough to get a good portion of the room done, which K has already started and expect to move back into that room tonight hopefully.
Sorry about the cars Shelley..how odd both on the same day..jeez! Angie I don't have income tax but I have been cleaning up my credit report and ouch it is expensive to the pocketbook..but it does make me feel a bit smart to be planning for the future so i know it's worth it..and if there's an emergency in the future i'm sure i'll be grateful i did this so there's at least the saving grace for me there :wink:
I have an appointment this week I am dreading too..on Friday evening at the women's clinic. They thought it to risky to do vasectomy on K with his medical background and they told me there are places that would sterilize me but it's a long process and I would have to travel a bit as no one local would do it...so I am getting an IUD placement. A little nervous about that as I've never done that before but I do like the part about it lasting five to seven years...don't like the part where they say there is some intense cramping pain while they do it....? We'll see.
Solomon has begun the unsettling habit of climbing me like a tree while I prepare his meal. I screamed to high heaven the first time he did it because he caught me off guard and I was in thin pajamas :shock: This morning he only got up past my knee before I got him off, was looking over my shoulder this time for him :roll: :lol:
Today should be more relaxing than yesterday. No plans to go out and just catch up around the house. Then watch some movies from my Netflix so I can send them back and get new ones in time for the weekend (horror movie marathon for Halloween :wink:)
Wonder how I should carve the pumpkin..?
Have a good one, all! :D

27-10-2010, 08:03 PM
Thanks to Shelley's recommendation, I have now caught up with 3 episodes of Downton Abbey. Really good. Looking forward to catching up with the rest.

Also watched the first episode of Michael Wood's Story of England which if you are interested in history is a marvellous programme.

Filling in while my clients are on holiday!!!

27-10-2010, 10:17 PM
Evening all ...just back from a nice meal with friends....relaxing with a glass of red wine...hubby is in Italy with work but back tomorrow evening.

Have a good one everybody

27-10-2010, 10:25 PM
Tink, i'm sorry you can't get your steralization done localy if that's what you want. I've never had an IUD, hope it goes well for you.
Naughty Solomon, climbing you like a tree.
Which horror films will you get? I like scary movies but not blood and guts ones. My favourite is the Shining.
Angie i'm pleased you are enjoying Downton Abbey, apparently they are making a second series.
Emma, glad you had a nice meal out.
Had a very enjoyable evening doing the catsey quiz.

27-10-2010, 10:31 PM
I do like things like the Shining where it is more scary in your mind than actually seeing blood and guts..but K is the opposite so i'm trying to find some in between picks that neither of us have seen so we can sit up Halloween night and watch them and eat candy and cookies of course :wink:
My faves are usually foreign horror. There's something about American horror that is lacking for me.
So far on my list I have The Hills Run Red and Dead Men Walking. Gonna do more browsing though, I have till tomorrow night to change it for this weekends arrival :D

27-10-2010, 10:35 PM
Tink, that might make a good thread: favorite horror films....

27-10-2010, 10:39 PM
Ooh good idea, Eileen!