View Full Version : Mirky Monday

19-04-2010, 07:13 AM
Morning all. Yesterday we had a mix of hail and sun, today it looks grey and mirky so far, hopefully it will brighten up.
Off to get dressed and take Rayne to the beach before picking up the dogs for walking.
Nothing else going on, just walking dogs all day long;)
Have a nice day every one.

19-04-2010, 08:44 AM
Morning, it's kind of nothingy weather here! Dog walking to do here too, see if the tennis ball we lost in the canal yesterday has come back to our side :lol:

Then I'm hoping to finish the new shed conversion for the bunnies and move them in today!

Have a lovely day all xx

19-04-2010, 09:37 AM
Morning Elaine, morning Aliwin - helloooo everyone!

It's a nice morning here - blue sky and no wind. I haven't ventured out yet but it does look a bit chilly. Don't worry Shelley, I have my fleece back on!!!

I'm feeling a bit down in the dumps today but I need to dig in some FYM to a part of my veggie plot where I am trying asparagus peas this year, so that might brighten my mood!

Will pop in later no doubt. Have a good day doggie walking - or cat strolling, which is my preferred exercise atm!

19-04-2010, 10:26 AM
Well it is overcast here maybe the volcanic ash is becoming more apparent. ;)

Not sure what I am doing today, maybe I will surprise myself...... :)

Have a good day all whatever you decide you are doing..... ;)

19-04-2010, 12:41 PM
Afternoon all, beautiful, but very cold here..Have to nip to town for a few things, then dog walking......

19-04-2010, 02:01 PM
So far we have had snow, sun, hail and rain, Just getting a quick heat me up before doing my last few dogs.

19-04-2010, 04:09 PM
Sunny, less wind and a tad warmer, 11 C (51 F), a nice day so far. Been working in the garden, tidied up the veggie bed, pulled the last of the onions that overwintered, pruned some of the overgrown barberry hedge.Angie, what is it with asparagus peas this year: PPH on OFF is growing them for the first time also. I had them a few years back: delicious! But very vigorous, will tend to take over a plot. Lovely blue flowers, too! Elaine, you must be in really good shape with all that walking!

Hope it's a good day for all.

19-04-2010, 04:30 PM
It's sunny bit a tad chilly here today. Doors are open however, and boys are playing (fighting) in the garden and cats are wandering in and out.

Fifi's had her check up, wound is doing fine but no results yet from the lab about the mass on her paw.

Balie has blood in his urine again and protein is raised. Vet suspected cystitis - either infection or stress-induced. I need to get him back to see her; he's currently scheduled for a double appointment with Fi for next Monday as he doesn't seem to be displaying any cystitis symptoms in himself!

I have to admit to being a bit frustrated about this testing and re-testing of the old fella. When I speak to the vet on Saturday I'll try and get something a little more concrete from her.

Ooops - strayed from the thread a bit; am off to buy Domi a new pair of roller blades as he cheapie ones he's had for the last couple of years have perished.

19-04-2010, 09:04 PM
gorgeous day here today at 73 degrees! a little put off as i woke up to find the house pretty trashed by a certain man and his dogs..argh! don't even feel like dealing with it been trying to clean this place for days and the work just gets undone..maybe i'll just drive off into the sunshine, LOL.

19-04-2010, 10:09 PM
Finaly checking in ;)
Tink i know what you mean about housework, it's a thankless task.
What a lot of Dog walkers we have here, i've been on two myself today.
angie glad to hear the fleece is back on, it's realy been quite chilly today.
Yola, i hope all your Cats go on ok, it's such a worry.
Had to leave Malaika in her crate this morning whilst we were at work, she was fine but wanted to sit and cuddle all afternoon and watch a film ;)