View Full Version : Tis Tuesday

23-03-2010, 04:19 PM
Hi, all. Spring is very volatile: last week we had April weather, now back to February. It's 7 degrees (45 F) here before lunch, 15 degrees cooler than yesterday, cloudy and a chilly East wind, My usual run up to the Giant for Leia's favorite food; a tad cool to be in the garden so probably will just potter about. Need to get Qs for the quiz tomorrow, that should keep me occupied.

Hope all are well, especially those who were poorly yesterday. Take care..

23-03-2010, 05:10 PM
Tis indeed :D

It's dull, drizzly, overcast and cold here. Yuk. I have a sore throat brewing (oh no, not again) and am feeling very stressed with having to replace 2 staff - that's 25% of our little workforce. What's going to hurt is the recruitment fees :(

Not much to report, we're getting to the end of the day here and off to pick up the boys shortly.

23-03-2010, 07:49 PM
Afternoon all been to work today....wished I had not bothered it was total chaos....but good news have a date for op 21st April..............Yeah

23-03-2010, 08:44 PM
Evening Catsey

Been working this morning, came home, had lunch, ran an errand for a neighbour, went to the rescue to drop off a few bits and pieces (walked), not really done anything else today :oops:

23-03-2010, 09:19 PM
I've got a head cold and still feel "off" - loads of laundry to catch up on.

I've toasted Merlin's memory with OH and MIL - nice drop of red wine and I'm going to have an early night.

One very strange coincidence this morning - I generally have a bit of a lie in and OH kindly brings me a cup of tea. This morning for the first time Kizzy came and lay on my lap until I was ready to get up. She has come and sat on the bed, next to me before now, but not on my lap - just like Merlin used to in the morning. I had a little well up about that.

23-03-2010, 09:22 PM
I've got a head cold and still feel "off" - loads of laundry to catch up on.

I've toasted Merlin's memory with OH and MIL - nice drop of red wine and I'm going to have an early night.

One very strange coincidence this morning - I generally have a bit of a lie in and OH kindly brings me a cup of tea. This morning for the first time Kizzy came and lay on my lap until I was ready to get up. She has come and sat on the bed, next to me before now, but not on my lap - just like Merlin used to in the morning. I had a little well up about that.

She maybe "sensed" you needed some comfort angie ;)

23-03-2010, 10:46 PM
Oh bless her, she did sense you needed something on a sad anniversary. Maybe dear Merlin whispered something to her from the Bridge .......