View Full Version : Monday thread

21-09-2009, 11:33 AM
Morning folks!

Quite a change in the weather today, very grey and not a speck of blue sky to be seen. On the bright side though, it's still quite warm.

Have been to the Garden Centre to get some dwarf cyclamen and a mister spray for the orchid. I'm surprised at how quickly the new stem is growing on the orchid, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will successfully flower again.

Hoping everyone is well and enjoying their day:D

21-09-2009, 11:40 AM
Morning Mags, everyone.

It's beautiful here again today - sunny, blue sky and warm with a slight breeze. Have done the morning duties and taken Pip out for a little walk around the garden on his harness and lead again. This time Kizzy accompanied us in the front garden and I'll swear that she was showing Pip where to read the peemails! He walked about really very well - had a couple of "flops" but no little tantrum like yesterday. He was quite hungry when I bought him back indoors and has had a saucer of kitten bics and is now fast asleep!

OH has gone to see a new dentist this morning. He's been with the same chap in the town where we both used to live since he was a teenager and the dentist has retired, so as he is a private patient, he's opted to try our local dentist just down the road which is much more convenient. Hope he gets on with the new chap.

Nothing else to report - not quite sure what I'm up to today, so I'll pop in later! Have a good day everyone.

I'm hoping that Moli's Merlin will be OK at the vet this evening.

21-09-2009, 11:43 AM
I have the day off today-recovering from a busy weekend.
Kirsty and I went up to Newcastle to support one of our vets who was running the Great North run for Guide dogs. Lots of travelling and walked for miles but it was a great weekend, glad to have today to recuperate though!

21-09-2009, 02:33 PM
Busy in the office today, sun is shining and it's warm. I'm aching from digging, planting and picking . . . which is a good ache :D Sebi's first day in nursery (as oposed to pre-nursery where he was before), and he trotted off without a squeak!! :shock:

I've just landed a copywriting project for a gambling website . . . SO not my bag but it pays the bills :)

21-09-2009, 04:22 PM
The last full day of Summer! Officially Autumn tomorrow afternoon, but feels like it's here already: sunny but chilly mornings. Up to 20 now. Nothing new, to the Giant for Leia's Fancy Feast that my regular market has discontinued.

Yola, good news about the contract and Sebi! Angie, hope OH likes the new dentist; and that is so funny about the peemails! PL, enjoy the day off. Mags, good news about the orchid! I use a liquid orchid food that comes in a bottle with a mister top. very convenient; maybe they have something similar there.

Fingers crossed for Merlin!