View Full Version : Sunday Daily

05-07-2009, 10:21 AM
Morning all,

Im goosed, just come back from work.

Its sunny with some clouds here.

Ive either got a sore throat or its hayfever... Im normally really really bad with hayfever but this year ive not suffered from it much, only had the odd blocked up nose, itchy throat n sneezes. But the last few days my throat hasnt stopped itching.

Dont know what im doing today not got anythin planned yet.

Have a nice day all.

05-07-2009, 11:10 AM
Morning all :)

Lovely sunny,breezy day here. Im startig on my packing today! I ned to have a serious sort out and chuck out the rubbish! Jerry is on a bit of a mad one today :lol: hes flying from room to room sliding on the mats :roll: :lol:
My cousin has confirmed swine flu now :( she's not feeling well at all. Scarey how quickly its spreading now!

Hope everyone has a good day :)

05-07-2009, 01:34 PM
Janey - sorry about the hayfever, my daughter suffers badly and hers has been much worse this year down here in Hampshire. Hope you feel better soon!
Erin - sorry to hear about your cousin getting swine flu, hope she recovers quickly.

This morning the coffee grinder broke just as it was finishing the beans for breakfast so now we're going to have to buy a new one. We'd only had this one about 26 years - things just aren't built to last! Can't believe the price of a new one, and I've spent ages on the computer researching types and prices. OH won't have a hand-turned one which is a shame as I like the looks of those. I might pop out in a minute to see what's available locally but I really don't like shopping on Sundays. It's either that or no more coffee today!

I can hear the sound of a chain-saw next door, must go and have a peep at what he's doing. See you later, bye!

05-07-2009, 04:31 PM
Bonjour a tous!
Ca va?
Nearly time to come home and I finally find a wi-fi (wee-fee). Can't get photobucket to work though, which is a shame as we are in a typically French hotel tonight - market sqaure, tables on the terrace etc.and I would have loved to share pics.
Am toasted brown, though the temp is falling as we move north
Sorry to read a few bits of really bad news regarding losses.
I'll catch up more when I get home,

05-07-2009, 04:33 PM
Hi, all. Our gorgeous Independence Day weather is gone, cloudy and unseasonably cool ...22C ......rain this afternoon. June was below normal and July's starting out that way too. All quiet here, just to the market for stuff: lovely rainbow trout for dinner!

Erin, packing up is such a chore! Janey, sorry about the hayfever; MrsH hope you can find a new coffeemaker locally or it's tea the rest of the day! Hope the anniversary was nice.

Enjoy the day, Monday is coming!