View Full Version : What-the-heck Wednesday!

15-04-2009, 10:34 AM
Don't know what the weather's going to do today?:?
It's very dark and gloomy but then it gets brighter with a glimmer of hope. Anyways I'm indoors doing house chores this morning then off to work this afternoon. I've sent OH out shopping, got my grandson for the morning so he's playing with his Star Wars models and watching kids tv. Bad Nanna :roll: but he has done some spelling practice already.

Posh looks very fluffed up today and there's some clear nasal discharge, hopes she's not sickening for some thing. She quiet too, her miaows are not as loud as normal. Will keep an eye on her.


15-04-2009, 10:47 AM
Hope Posh is ok.

Morning all,
Im really tired today... (must go to bed early tonight)

Its been raining all morning but its looking brighter now.

Its quiet without Tiddles here lol.

Have a nice day all.

15-04-2009, 11:34 AM
Hope Posh is OK . . . and relax, it's grandson's holiday - let him play with his star wars figures if he wants!

Well, I'm back home after a couple of hours doing necessary stuff in the office. Dominik is still very lethargic and feverish so we've just swapped over and OH on his way to the office. Domi's curled up infront of the TV with his cartoons at the moment, but I'm going to suggest a bit of sleep to help him recover.

Sebi's the only fit on at the moment - both OH and I have headaches, muscle aches and stinging eyes :roll: What a bunch we are - obviously this particular virus likes us all as it's sticking around for a bit :lol:

15-04-2009, 11:50 AM
Yola I suggest all getting in a bag and being shook up a saying my Nan used to have. If we were feeling off colour.There was a storm here, this morning thunder and lightening really dark. But its still overcast now but no rain.Have a good day all

15-04-2009, 12:01 PM
Morning (just) all!

We had thunder and lightning in the night so OH tells me - I didn't hear a thing. It woke OH who said that Kizzy stirred but didn't take fright. It rained too, but is dry and blue sky now. OH has gone off to play golf. Unfortunately Kizzy has kept hold of the wind though - it's bad again this morning. Vet tomorrow morning.

Sorry to hear that Posh may be a bit under the weather. Hope she gets over it quickly. Also sorry to hear about Yola and Domi still not fighting fit - do hope you both continue to improve. It's rotten for a kid to be sick during his holidays.

Does anyone know if and when Dinahsmum went off to the States? Has she gone already?

Oh, just one more of those coincidental things - a friend sent me one of those powerpoint info things on how wonderful bananas are. One of the things that banana skin is good for is taking the sting and itch out of mossie bites! I've forwarded the whole thing to Elaine!!!

15-04-2009, 12:06 PM
Does anyone know if and when Dinahsmum went off to the States? Has she gone already?

I think she went yesterday . . .

15-04-2009, 04:32 PM
Hi all, Still raining and chilly, 9 C; this is supposed to be over finally tomorrow with sun and more seasonable temps. Unusually cool wet Spring, so far. Stayed in because of the wretched weather, so no news. Leia just asked for her lunch early... staring mournfully at her empty plate, so of course got fed...

Hope Posh will be OK and that everyone at Yola's feel better soon!

QUIZ tonight, 8 pm, Games, Jokes and Finnies .. all welcome!!