View Full Version : Easter-Egg Sunday

12-04-2009, 08:46 AM
Morning everyone, happy Easter-egg day :-D I haven't been around much, so apologies for my absence. I've been a busy-bee as usual. Today is no exception and we are off out for the day shortly. Got a new table & chairs for the kitchen yesterday, so I can now say my kitchen is finally completed.
Ashleigh is much better, still coughing with these episodes of can't get her breath, but she has inhalers now and it makes it much easier for her. Doctors think she's had a very bad upper resiratory infection (didn't I say it was whooping cough:roll: ) anyway, we'll never really know..... at least now she is getting better.
Dad is also getting better, but very slowly, he is still weak, but much stronger than he was & he can go out now, albeit only for a couple of hours before he's exhausted.
Cats and other animals are all well, so finally things are good around here. That's about all my news I think....
have a good Easter day!

12-04-2009, 09:29 AM
It's a gorgeous Easter day here and blessings all round to my Catsey friends and their furbabies :D

I'm still in the throws of a mad work schedule but making the most of the sunny day before my night shift kicks in tonight. My dear mam and dad are preparing lunch down theirs today, so no cooking for me , just eating and washing up :)

Glad your family are feeling a little better Kelly, hope they improve daily.

have a splendid day everyone :-D

12-04-2009, 09:40 AM
Morning all,

Happy Easter.

Its sunny and gorgeous here today, think were just gonna stay in and have a meal today (might try and find a beer garden to sit in as well)

Glad your dads getting better Smudgley.

My grandad is lookin better, he's staying in hospital for a while, they had taken xrays of him and found no broken bones but an infection, so they gotta clear that. He loves it in hospital, makes loads of friends (with the nurses lol)

Any how, I was less allergic to Tiddles yesterday... must of just been that first night, with not being around a cat for so long in 2 years... (I hope)

Oh and I got 7 easter eggs this year... thats the most ive had since i was little. Yay.

Have a great day all.

12-04-2009, 09:45 AM
Happy Easter Day to you all!

It's a beautiful day here and warming up. My daughter and family will be coming this afternoon for fun and games (they're bringing their Wii:lol:) and then we'll all tuck in to a big buffet. Lots of cooking bits and pieces to do shortly!

Hope everyone enjoys their easter eggs today ......... I asked for no eggs this year as I must shed a few pounds before my hols!:roll: Hubby bought me a lovely orchid instead;)

Have a lovely day everyone, hope the sun is shining where you are!


12-04-2009, 11:37 AM
Morning! Tried posting earlier but had to contend with a nappy emergency :shock:
Happy Easter one and all - we had a good day seeing 'Thomas' yesterday; poor Sebi was so tired and poorly though with a fever so I spent most of the day carrying him - can't feel my arms today :lol:

It's cloudy and rainy here and we're expecting my Mum and brother over for lunch - lovely joint of roast beef is about to go into the oven :D .

We were only talking this morning about when I (and especially OH) were younger and the only thing you could do on Easter Sunday was go to church and watch mass on TV. How times have changed. I think even some of the DIY sheds are open today - and some premiership games are on. It's a shame in a way that the day is no longer 'holy' but in another way I'm glad it's relaxed a bit from 'the old days'.

12-04-2009, 02:32 PM
Have a lovely Easter everyone.....

12-04-2009, 04:27 PM
Happy Easter all!

Lovely sunny day but unseasonable, only 7 C. While I was waiting for the bus a woman across the street came out and hid eggs in her garden, followed shortly by two little toddlers with baskets...got to watch them squealing with joy as they found them ...that was a lovely thing to watch, made me smile! Just a quiet Sunday here for me with the papers and crossword; ham for dinner. Leia will have a few bits as she now likes ham.

Glad the poorly people all seem to be improving and the allergy in remission.

Hope it's a lovely day for all.

12-04-2009, 06:08 PM
Happy Easter everyone! I cant believe you are all saying what a beautiful day it has been today - here in south leicestershire it is grey, heavy showers and not warm at all. No sun today that I have spotted! Jan x

12-04-2009, 09:02 PM
Just a quick post to say that I am safely home with Kizzy cat!

It was a horrid rainy day with low cloud until we got north of Swindon and it cleared up a bit. Dudley was sunny and warm when the sun came out from behind a cloud, otherwise most of the day was cold.

Kizzy is amazing! She had a 3 hour journey, never made a peep or a pee or a poo (actually she still hasn't made a pee or a poo which is troubling me a bit). When I got her home, I took her into the utility room and made sure she had everything she needed plus food and water and something warm to snuggle up to nearby and just shut the door on her while we all went and had two cups of tea! Then I went to make a fuss of her and left the door open a bit when I left the room. Since then she has explored the house - like a brave girlie - with her tail waving about and has played with us in the lounge and sat on our laps. I have had eye blinks, purrs, licks and she has nibbled my nose too (very gently).

OH is happy now because he has been gazzumped - ie. Kizzy has taken over his chair, which is just what Merlin used to do when he sent him off to bed at night!!!!

I will be phoning our vet on Tuesday to arrange for her jabs, but the CP vet has otherwise given her a clean bill of health.

I do hope she has a pee soon!

Photos tomorrow ..............

12-04-2009, 09:05 PM
Angie I am so pleased she is a darling isn't she...I am so sorry I could not help with the transport.

12-04-2009, 09:27 PM
How exciting Angie, I'm glad she has settled in with you ok ........ don't be too worried about the pees and poos at the moment as things are all so new for her.....she will oblige when she is ready;)

Looking forward to your photos!:D

12-04-2009, 09:54 PM
So happy to read this, Angie, been thinking of you and Kizzy all day! She does sound like a darling, and settling in well .... exploring, laps and purrs! Hope she'll pee soon; looking forward to pics and more stories!

12-04-2009, 10:06 PM
So pleased to hear your have Kizzy Angie, she sounds like a very laid back girl, sure she will have a happy long life with you...

12-04-2009, 10:13 PM
I'm so pleased she is settling in well Angie. Hey no worries about no toilet activity, cats can often hold themselves when in new / different environment for 24 / 48 hours :shock: When we get a new cat in they often take a while before they go.....

12-04-2009, 11:44 PM
Happy Easter everyone:D

12-04-2009, 11:48 PM
Happy Easter to you, OH and the furrys, Tink!