View Full Version : Mighty Monday chat!

16-03-2009, 10:56 AM
It's a lovely day, bright sunny and warm.
Having done the washing and walked the dog I am off to the allotment for the morning, then giving blood early afternoon. After that I think I will enjoy just sitting!
Enjoy the sun whilst it lasts - next week's forecast is back to 9C and dull. :?
Hope everyone has a sunny day

16-03-2009, 11:43 AM
Isn't is glorious??? Sun shining for all she's worth here and it's warm too. I was up this morning bright as a button :shock: but am now stuck at the PC and wishing I was outside :(

I will have to run home at some point because a BT engineer is coming to have a look at our dodgy line . . . I've tested all our products carefully and nothing wrong with any of them so it must be the line! I had a bit of an up and downer with the call centre as they started insisting I had to be there between 8am and 1pm . . . I don't think so!

16-03-2009, 11:44 AM
Sounds like you are very chipper today DM! Good to have some energy buzzing around!

I on the other hand am knackered. Was a busy weekend, up late with maybe slightly too much to drink both Fri & Sat, had an early night last night but still exhausted today. Need a weekend to recover from my weekend :roll: Weather is grey, damp and drizzly but it's spring rain rather than winter and it does make a difference. It's getting warmer too, 13C this week apparently yippee!

Hope everyone is more awake than me and has a lovely day :)

16-03-2009, 02:32 PM
Morning all, (just realised afternoon rather!)

My first day back at work after my great week off... I'm aching like I dont know what now (I ache normally but I'm in pain even more!) think Ive just been over doing myself.

I finished work this morning at 11am, picked my mum up then went to visit the crematorium and put flowers on my nans patch, its 10 years today since my nan died, I still miss her. I got a lump in my throat when I went in to the building to look at my nans name in the book of people who died on this day. :cry:

Wish I had my laptop now, so I could sit in the garden and be on here at the same time while its lovely weather.

Enjoy your day all.

16-03-2009, 04:25 PM
Far from lovely weather, the gloom and rain continue, 7 degrees so not as cold. They now say the sun will reappear on Wednesday! Enjoy your sunshine, those who have it.
But a good day otherwise; found 3 quarters someone had dropped at the bus stop, then found the exact TV I'd been looking for at CVS pharmacy. I needed a little 7 inch portable for the kitchen to replace my old analog one; been searching on line and best price I could find was $145.00; this was only $130.00! So am quite chuffed! Now I have to figure out how to get it working; so complicated these days...I'm a dinosaur and miss the days when you brought a TV home and just plugged it in and it worked... :( Ah well, the switch to digital has been postponed to June, so have time enough to get it working. Other than that, no news.

Hope you all have a good day ........

16-03-2009, 10:34 PM
Just an addendum: new TV wasn''t as difficult to program as the last one...got it up and working! And the market had fresh peas today for the first time this year....Leia helped me shell them, and "killed" a pea pod!