View Full Version : Where've you been George?

13-11-2008, 12:59 PM
George the cat has been returned to his owners after being missing for 13 years :shock:
Here's (http://www.journalgazette.net/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20081112/NEWS03/811120264) a link to the story (It took a while to load for me)
Where on earth has he been, and what has he been doing?
(and what a good advert for microchipping)

13-11-2008, 01:10 PM
What a heartwarming story, George's owners must have felt so overjoyed by his return....:D

I love happy endings!:D

13-11-2008, 01:32 PM
Bless him! Poor George . . . if only he could tell of his experiences. So sorry to read that his health is ailing, maybe his owner's bargaining (the last lines of the article brought a lump to my throat - the things we will do, and the compromises we will make for our cats) will pay off.

13-11-2008, 03:30 PM
That's an amazing story. Do hope George perks up a bit.

13-11-2008, 04:13 PM
Oh dear that brought tears to my eyes, I hope he gets back to good health.

13-11-2008, 04:23 PM
Aww such a lovely story :smt049 Happy endings are so wonderful! :cat10
Hope George is doing well again - must be great to be home! :-D

13-11-2008, 05:31 PM
Lovely story, thanks for posting, DM! Another day-brightener!

CrAzy Mii
23-05-2009, 11:44 PM
Awww this story is sooo lovely! I hope George is settling in well!

24-05-2009, 03:10 AM
glad he has been reunited with his family... makes you wonder though why the person that took him in didn't enquire to see if he was chipped...would have saved his family 13 years of wondering!