View Full Version : World Vegetarian Day

01-10-2008, 11:46 AM
I discovered through MSN that today is World Vegetarian Day.

The moment I read this I thought 'pah, vegetarianism, I am a meat-lover and proud'. But then I read the full article and it really is very interesting. A few things I did know, and a few things I didn't, but overall quite convincing. And for someone who's ideal meal is Roast Lamb with Roast Potatoes preferably cooked in goose fat, that's saying a lot!


Enjoy :)

01-10-2008, 11:51 AM
I thought it was World Oldies Day, Meep? Maybe it's both - or Eat An Oldie Day even :)

I think it would be good if the advanced world reduced its meat eating. I was a veggie (or a fishie!) for about 15 years. I now eat local lamb, grass fed Scottish beef, local happy pork (about 3 times a year), local free range chicken and any game. We eat meat about 5 times a fortnight and otherwise eat fish or veggie. I don't feel deprived at all and much prefer eating smaller amounts of good stuff than mountains of Asda twopenny sausages (what on earth is in them???)

I'm not sure what would happen to the world, and nature as we know it, if everyone went fully veggie - it certainly wouldn't be as it is now

01-10-2008, 11:56 AM
I wasn't aware it was World Oldies Day DM, although I remember hearing a report on the older generation on BBC news this morning. I also didn't know it was World Vegetarian Day until I clicked on MSN. And if the internet says it, it must be true :roll: :lol:

I have to admit that I love eating meat, and whilst I draw the line at buying cheap meat (ie. chicken for £1 out of Iceland) I will still happily by 'standard' meat from a good-ish supermarket (£4 chicken from Morrisons), and don't look into where it came from. Having read that article I know feel slightly guilty and greatly sickened to think where the meat I eat comes from. I guess I, subconsciously, rely on the excuse that I'm busy and don't have time to source good quality meat, and also good quality meat is more expensive.

I also couldn't honestly say that from today I would begin to only eat good quality, free-range meat. (Especially as I may be about to take on a wheat-free diet :roll: too confusing!) But what youve said about sourcing local meat has inspired me to do so too! Thanks DM :)

01-10-2008, 02:00 PM
I wanna know when its World meat eaters day!! :-D :-D :-D

01-10-2008, 02:21 PM
A week or so ago, according to Classic FM it was "International Talk Like a Pirate Day"!!!!!!!

My OH and I joined in - lots of AAAARRRRHHHHH Jim Lad!

Who thinks these "days" up - and in the case above - why "International"???? Perhaps lots of other countries took it much more seriously!

01-10-2008, 03:05 PM
There are so many ridiculous ones, that a lot of companies use as a marketing gimmick (it's a bit of a rude example, but one that springs to mind was advertised in Ann Summer's windows... National O day :shock: :roll: )

But the Pirate one sounds great fun! And I'm glad that National Vegetarian Day has meant that I've read and interesting article, learnt something and considering sourcing my meat elsewhere!