View Full Version : Tuesday Daily

16-09-2008, 07:26 AM
Morning all, just about to get ready to head off out to see to the birds. Grey and dreary here this morning, being surrounded by grey granite doesnt help when its like this.
At least i'll be heading off out into some country side, it'll still be a miserable day but the trees are still green:lol:

have a lovely day all xxx

16-09-2008, 07:38 AM
Moring all.

Day off today taking Mom to the Royal Orthopedic hospital...this morning then who knows what?

Bit dreary and dull here but not raining - YET!

16-09-2008, 09:26 AM
Grey and cool here today. With Sebi having such a good day in nursery yesterday, I decided to just cut and run this morning. So after about a minute, when he was distracted I headed for the door. That child must have in-built Mummy radar because he almost got to the door before I did and proceeded to howl :( Still, I listened outside and he'd settled within 5 minutes.

So, not sure what the day will bring today. Am doing a bit of translation project management work whilst covering for holidays here and tbh, I'll be glad when I can reactivate my website next week and get some more copywriting coming in through the door :D

16-09-2008, 11:30 AM
Hi all,
Another day's holiday today. Been for futher blood tests this morning-they've finally found that I have a fairly severe 'microcytic' anaemia (my red blood cells are too small to carry enough oxygen) which is likely to be the cause of all the problems I've been having recently :roll:
Sooo, more tests to determine whether it's a bone marrow problem or not. It's just good to think they've found something, I don't feel like I've been wasting the doctors time anymore.
Dull and grey here, off shopping with my mum in a little while then I'm going to go and get my hair cut, first time since last Christmas! :oops:

16-09-2008, 11:53 AM
Morning (just!) to everyone. Yes, overcast and a bit chilly here too - but not wet - yet!

I am off to the tip with OH in a short while - I do live it up, don't I?

Have a good day everyone.

16-09-2008, 12:00 PM
Morning (with a min to spare!) all!

Off sick today, I took myself into work y'day despite feeling horrible as had so much to get through for the event this weekend. But decided to rest easy today as I won't be able to make it if I still feel like this come Friday!

The boys even let me sleep right through to 11.30, a very unusual occurence - they must have some empathy after all ;)

Rainy and miserable here.

Pinklizzy, good to hear they've discovered the root of any problems you've been having. I'm considering that I may have aneamia, as my energy levels are shot and I keep getting mouth ulcers, so am going to book appointment for doc's soon. Fingers crossed!

16-09-2008, 02:28 PM
Afternoon all, it has been quite nice here....overcast with sunny intervals and quite mild.

Took my daughter to the Garden Centre this morning as she decided she would like some big plant pots for her front garden.....she chose some dark reddish brown ones which will look nice on her block paving. That will be part of her birthday present for next month :D Whilst there, I bought some winter pansies and some cyclamens for the garden........and we went in for morning coffee...:D

16-09-2008, 04:14 PM
Afternoon, all. Grey, overcast and downright chilly; only 19C, quite a change from the 30s we had over the weekend! But no rain. Didn't make the bed this morning as I was going to change the sheets: well, when I got back from the market and went up to do it, Leia was blissfully asleep right in the middle of the bed....didn't have the heart to disturb her...:roll: But I don't spoil my cat, not at all...:-D

PL: glad you got a diagnosis finally; hopefully they can help you now.
meep: sorry you're still poorly; doctor visit not a bad idea....

Hope all have a nice day!