View Full Version : Olympics opening ceremony

08-08-2008, 07:27 PM
Anyone watching or watched the Olympic's opening ceremony totaly brilliant.:-D

08-08-2008, 08:16 PM
I saw some of it - absolutely stunning!

How the h*** is poor old Britain going to follow that? I know I shouldn't feel like that, but I'm afraid I do. Sure we've got loads of young people with fantastic vision!

08-08-2008, 09:47 PM
I only saw bits of it on the news summary and I must say they put on a fantastic show, one of the best I've seen!:D

08-08-2008, 11:11 PM
Ahh we'll do better not sure what we'll do (no inside information) but I am certain we will do better...I mean Austalias was stunning too and yet China has eclipsed it..... UK is bound to be stunning.................

08-08-2008, 11:12 PM
Yeah, I gotta have faith!

08-08-2008, 11:19 PM
I didn't watch it but heard it was beautiful. However, its just a pity about their atrocious record for human rights and the disgusting and cruel way that they treat their animals. Sorts of takes the gloss off the olympics, for me anyhow. :( x

09-08-2008, 12:53 AM
I didn't watch it but heard it was beautiful. However, its just a pity about their atrocious record for human rights and the disgusting and cruel way that they treat their animals. Sorts of takes the gloss off the olympics, for me anyhow. :( x

Yes I agree and am sorry but I am one of these stick in the muds who is boycotting it this year. I don't believe they ever deserved the honour of hosting such a wonderful event in the same country where newborn babies are left abandoned in the street to die without being given a second look as it is so commonplace?

No, not for me, I couldn't care less how beautiful it was, will wait 'til it comes here.

Sorry for putting a downer on the thread. I just feel very strongly about this. :(

12-08-2008, 10:49 AM
Random, I vist several other dog forums and on similar threads, most people feel as we do. Another thing that bugs me is that China must have spent huge amounts of money on the opening ceremony, surely that would have been better spent helping the victims of the Earthquake. :?

I donate monthly to the Animals Asia Foundation ofter seeing horrendous secret footage of animals in China being skinned alive for their fur. The animals were simply left to die afterwards, no pain relief. The looks on their faces will haunt me forever. Anyone interested in signing a petition or generally adding their support, please visit. http://www.animalsasia.org/index.php?module=3&menupos=10&lg=en

Kazz, I'm really sorry to be the one to put a downer on this thread, but like Random, I feel so strongly about this.

12-08-2008, 11:11 AM
I think the fact that many of the wonderful firework displays during the opening ceremony have been proved not to have been live and to have been cgi'd in during post production (Chinese television was the only network allowed to broadcast the event as I understand it), really does demonstrate what a veneer of gloss is being put on this event. They are desperate to make a good impression WHATEVER it takes :(

There is much I could say about my feelings on China's human and animal rights records. But here is not the place.