View Full Version : Daily Thread~ Thursday

05-06-2008, 07:59 AM
Morning all! Its very dull here today and slightly chilly too, long sleeves are called for.
Off with Bronnie to the vets for her cardiac scan this morning. She's looking at us with big eyes as we haven't fed her this morning, as per instructions,and she's wondering what's up. Poor baby, trying to explain that she's not been a bad girl and we are not ignoring her:roll:
Posh meanwhile feels very superior and smug, I'm sure she 'knows' Bron is up for some sort of exam.:smt016
Will let you know how she gets on.
See you later.

05-06-2008, 09:33 AM
Morning PP, morning all!

Lovely sunny, warm day here....hope it lasts:D

Cassie brought up a sausage shaped hairball during the night, considering the size of it she must feel better after that. She gets combed every day but it seems hopeless trying to rid her of all the loose hair:? Time to get the furminator out again I think!;)

PP ~ hope all goes well with Bronnie at the vets with her cardiac scan.

Have a good day everyone! :D

05-06-2008, 09:34 AM
PP - all the best to Bronnie and yes, I heard the weather in Wales wasn't too clever today :( Conversley, here it's lovely, warm bright and sunny :D It was Dominik's turn to be difficult this morning . . . it's either one or the other :roll:

I worked very, very hard at the gym last night and am really happy with the quick results! I'm going to try and pace it a bit so I don't start getting disillusioned if the flab loss slows down. OH reckons it's because I've pretty well cut out alcohol . . . but I put it down to my dedicated exercise :lol: :lol: :lol: But he did have a lovaly beanburger dinner waiting for me when I got back so I can't complain!

05-06-2008, 12:07 PM
Good Morning all,
The weather in North Somercotes is glorious which means i'll be in all day with my hayfever :shock:
The cats have been out since 6, came back for a bit of brekkie n shot off again. The joy's of being a cat owner is you get to spend quality time with them :lol: :lol:
I might tidy up the garden a bit if the weather gets a bit dull if not another day of cleaning planned :D
Hope everyone is well xx

05-06-2008, 12:32 PM
Hello everyone! I was amazed at how warm it was when I first went out this morning - I was off to the chiropodist and would have worn my sandals if I'd suspected how warm it was. Clouding over a bit now.

Mrs GS Woodpecker visited the peanut feeder again this morning - must go and refill it, those long beaks don't take that long to empty the feeders and there's nothing left for the baby blue tits (well advanced but still begging for food from their parents!)

Merlin is eating again - I changed his food from fish to chicken and he ate about 1.5 sachets yesterday in the end and has had about .5 so far today. I don't think he's feeling 100%, but there are no other symptoms still, apart from a bit of sneezing - so I'm just keeping an eye on him. Extra cuddles for the old gentlecat!

Have a good day everyone. :lol: :lol: :lol:

05-06-2008, 01:09 PM
Afternoon all!
Overcast here but still feels fairly humid. Totally fed up with another day of doing nothing.
Glad Merlin is eating again Angie, sending some extra (gentle) cuddles.
Hope Bronnie's u/sound goes ok today PP.
Enjoy the rest of the day everyone. x

05-06-2008, 03:37 PM
I phoned the vets at 2pm, all well there. Have to fetch Bronnie at 5pm so will let you know how she got on.
Been on pins all day, I know she's not having anaesthetic or anything but still get the jitters for her. She's a very patient doggie and I hope this scan is going to be a good thing.

05-06-2008, 04:40 PM
Hi all! Lovely and warm today, 26 degrees right now, although cloudy, wore shorts to the market, first time this year! We had abominable weather yesterday: whole series of violent t'storms swept thru the area with a few tornadoes and lots and lots of property damage and power outages, one man killed when a tree fell on his car.. :( Fortunately none in my neighborhood, but the porch roof leak was horrible....oh joy, Summer in Washington....:roll:

Good to hear that Bronnie is OK and that Merlin is eating, bless him! Yola, you're doing great! PL, sorry you're bored stuck indoors....

Enjoy the day!

05-06-2008, 06:44 PM
Update on Bronnie... she's ok. It's not her heart, that's sound, phew! Seems there's some fibrosis of the lungs due to her age and arthritic condition, she's got 2 small ? cystic things in one of her lungs, not sinister but probably benign swollen alveoli (air sacs) All in all, we have started more meds on her. Waiting for blood screening to come back.
Have to get a PETPLAN claim form... £350! :shock:
But she's fine now, thats what matters.

05-06-2008, 07:04 PM
Glad Bronnie's feeling ok. Hope all the bloods come back clear. Got a busy evening ahead, my dad has just dropped off my brother and sister (10 year old twins!) Got to keep them entertained for a couple of hours.

05-06-2008, 08:15 PM
So glad Bronnie's heart is OK PP - fingers crossed for the blood work. How old is she?

Hope you manage to control those twins PL - I'd probably prefer several dogs to a couple of children!!!!

05-06-2008, 09:54 PM
Evening all.
Been really busy this week and am pretty knackered. This is the last week of working in the Toxic shop, Yay!!! Tomorrow being my last day, they have mucked my pay up though but say they have paid me everything they owe me to date which is very worrying. Gonna seek some advice on that one though coz i dont trust them at all.
It was a gorgeous day here today, Eva head butted the door this afternoon to show Graham her new found friend, sadly the new friend was dead by that point, see pictures. Graham had already seen her playing with the poor wee thing and managed to get a few pictures before she had killed it.

05-06-2008, 10:37 PM
Emancipation day tomorrow, hallelulia!! Out of that horrible place at last....and be sure you get every cent coming to you! I would put nothing past them......Off to look at Eva's pics ...

06-06-2008, 12:28 AM
You planning on celebrating this weekend Elaine???? You deserve it. :-D :-D :-D :lol: :D :p