View Full Version : upper endoscopy june 11th...

13-05-2008, 11:24 PM
well, i went to the GI specialist today for the probs i've been having since christmas because my regular doctor is at a loss. although i'm not usually comfortable with male doctors he was quite nice and talked to me for an hour about my past mental and physical history.
he did bloodwork for siliac (spelling?) disease, gave me some probiotics to try out, and scheduled an upper endoscopy (camera down throat into the belly) on june 11th.
never been under anesthesia before. i know many people have different reactions when they wake up..will be interesting to see, i guess?
also, got the whole speech how if they do see something wrong they will "fix it" right then and there while i'm under...meaning i might have some minor outpatient surgery and they can clamp, harden, remove, etc. anything they want.
that's a little unnerving. they have a lot of freedom to do what they want once they are in there, don't they?
they also gave me a long list of complications and possible procedures they might do to me if need be while i'm under...eek, not the most comforting reading material.
my OH will be there to give me a ride home as i should be out of it for the day and also they want someone to talk to after the procedure in case there are complications or special care needed.
if they don't find anything, they will go back in again on a later date to the gallbladder as he doesn't trust my ultrasound results on it because he said it doesn't truly show how it functions and even though gallstones are ruled out, someone with a sick gallbladder can very likely still have a normal ultrasound.
so...anyone have one of these? he gave me cub's scout honor he has a very good anesthesiologist. what does it feel like when you get anesthesia and you are falling asleep..is it scary..are you relaxed then you just wake up awhile later? i'm a control freak so the thought of being passed out and in someone's care is really unnerving.
thanx for listening to me vent.

14-05-2008, 11:00 AM
Hi Tink. It's very natural for you to be anxious and the really good thing is that you haven't got to wait that long for it all to be done.

You asked "what does it feel like when you get anesthesia and you are falling asleep..is it scary..are you relaxed then you just wake up awhile later?" In my experience, you are given a pre-med and then the anaesthetic and usually you are asked to count backwards from 10 - you don't count much before you're asleep and then you wake up and it's all over.

So, again in my experience, the anaesthetic is not scary and it's really best to TRY and be calm beforehand.

Great good luck to you Tink. Hope they can sort out your problems so that you'll feel much better.

14-05-2008, 09:43 PM
Tink, it must sound all very daunting to you, especially if you've had no treatment like this before. Please try not to worry, the doctors are very good and know what they are doing;)

Angie has described the anaesthetic procedure perfectly........the pre med that you'll have beforehand will relax you completely and when you have the anaesthetic you will be asleep in no time........... you will wake up again after how ever long it takes and it will all be over and you won't have known anything about it.

You will be fine Tink, try not to worry too much - you will be back here telling us all about it before you know it!:D

Wishing you loads of luck for June... ((((hugs))))x

14-05-2008, 09:45 PM
thanx, you guys. i've only had procedures with local anesthetic where i was totally awake so this is a whole new world to me..i've heard some people wake up emotional, some chatter and laugh, some vomit...i wonder what i'll do?

14-05-2008, 10:01 PM
I have had the procedure twice Tink, do not remember anything about it, till I woke up back in my room....felt fine, went home the same day...Sure you will be fine....

14-05-2008, 10:01 PM
You will be told not to eat anything after a certain time prior to the procedure........ make sure you don't then you will be less likely to vomit when you wake....;)

14-05-2008, 10:13 PM
Good luck with the procedure Tink, although I am sure you will be fine. If you do have celiac disease, I am sure with the right diet you will be amazed with the difference. ((hugs))

14-05-2008, 10:28 PM
I have had this done three times now,
In my experience:
first time Ichose not to be sedated, it is very hard not gag second time I was told I was sedated but wasn't
Third time I was sedated, it was a very happy giggly experience, you are not completely under just given an anasethic so you forget what you have had done. This was the best option.
Here they will take a biopsy of your stomach lining but never perform any surgery as it's just an exploratory procedure, and I have a hiatus hernia. Thye usually check for over production of acid, issues with stomach lining, ulcers and hernias.
They will suggest approaches that suit you following.
If they find nothing they will then do other tests such as barium meals, gallstones etc.
My dad has coealliac disease. Avoid dairy at all costs this will cause you major discomfort.

14-05-2008, 10:53 PM
I can completely understand your apprehension about the anaesthesia. When I was scheduled for my first cataract surgery I was terrified, as I've always had excellent health and had never had any surgical procedure since I was 5 and had a tonsillectomy which I can't remember. I was terribly uptight being wheeled in on the gurney, but the anaesthetic took over so quickly ... next thing I remembered was waking up, and feeling perfectly normal. I know what you mean about not being in control, it's not a nice feeling, but since it has to be done just resign yourself to it and it will be over. I didn't have any funny reactions at all to the anaesthesia. The hardest thing was not having anything to eat or drink from midnight on .....

11-06-2008, 08:43 AM
well, tomorrow's the day..from 2pm to 3pm. i'm off food since midnight and no water after 10am in the morning...ugh. it's gonna be a yucky day :-(

11-06-2008, 09:26 AM
Good luck for tomorrow Tink, it will be all over before you realise..

Will be thinking of you, try not to worry about it too much...... let us know how you got on........... hugs and calming vibes being sent to you xx

11-06-2008, 10:02 AM
All the very best for tomorrow. Of course you're nervous, but please don't worry! I've had so many procedures over the years and nothing ever happened that shouldn't. At least then hopefully you'll know what the problem and can get on with getting it sorted out!

11-06-2008, 12:04 PM
Great Good Luck for tomorrow Tink! Be calm - it'll be over before you know it and then the medical people will know what to advise so that you'll feel so much better. All for the good.

11-06-2008, 04:17 PM
Fingers crossed and healing vibes coming, Tink! I know how intimidating it can be, just try to relax (easier said than done!), and it will be over. Again, don't worry about the anaesthesia,,,you will be all right! Been there. done that; was scared stiff but it was not as bad as I'd feared...will be thinking of you, hon!

11-06-2008, 06:24 PM
thanks guys..i have fifteen minutes to drink any water so i'm doing it now then no more is allowed..four hours to go.

11-06-2008, 06:35 PM
thanks guys..i have fifteen minutes to drink any water so i'm doing it now then no more is allowed..four hours to go.
You will be fine Tink, we are all over here thinking of you;)

11-06-2008, 10:03 PM
I know it's easier said than done but do try to relax this evening and tomorrow. Remember it will only be uncomforatble for a short time X Let us know how you get on

11-06-2008, 10:57 PM
Hi Tink, I missed this thread, sorry. I had one of these done a few years back now, I was fully awake, no sedation or anything and had biopsy's taken. It isn't anywhere near as bad as you imagine. The worst bit was swallowing the scope tbh. Let us know how you go on x

11-06-2008, 11:00 PM
As I was awake, I got to watch it all on the TV screen :shock: Actually, it was very interesting as the surgeon pointed out bits and pieces as he went along :-D

11-06-2008, 11:40 PM
As I was awake, I got to watch it all on the TV screen :shock: Actually, it was very interesting as the surgeon pointed out bits and pieces as he went along :-D

OMG, Fran, you are gutsy!!! I'm with Tink...anaesthesia is scary, but better than that!

11-06-2008, 11:47 PM
OMG, Fran, you are gutsy!!! I'm with Tink...anaesthesia is scary, but better than that!

Lol Eileen, I wasn't offered anaesthesia, only IV sedation or not! I choose not, so that I could drive myself home afterwards and didn't need anyone to pick me up from the hospital :roll:

12-06-2008, 12:34 PM
Hope everything went well Tink and you are feeling ok? :hug:

12-06-2008, 12:43 PM
Yay Tink! How are you doing?

12-06-2008, 04:15 PM
Hope it went well...do let us know....

12-06-2008, 07:01 PM
How ya doing kidda???

13-06-2008, 06:32 AM
hi everyone, it is thursday night and i'm just getting back on track. i'm okay, thanx for your thoughts!
well, they let my OH stay with me till i got put out which lessened the nerves. he got to stay with me while i got the IV put in, oxygen, hooked up to the heart monitor, etc. after i was wheeled into the room.
i met many different people in staff so it was a bit overwhelming. the anesthesiologist was nice but i got switched to a different room and he called me by the wrong name which made my eyes pop out..LOL. but they cleared it up.
i remember the anesthesiologist injecting a syringe full of drugs into the IV..i was under the impression that was just the stuff to relax me so i wouldn't be sleeping yet.
then the nurse wrapped something around my head and told me to bite down on a bit to make sure it was in my mouth before i fell asleep. i remember being annoyed thinking she was putting it in too early. then i remember staring at the wall and saying "i'm not even sleepy yet, how rude". next thing i know she is taking it back out of my mouth. i rolled over and asked her "why are you doing this?" she said "because you're done"..then i went on and on about "no i'm not" and kept saying they were lying to me while they rolled me into recovery. my OH was there and i guess i told him "it wasn't even done, they are liars"..he showed me pictures of my stomach and small intestine to prove it to me and i said something about "oh, they just photocopied those out of a book"...LOL!
the rest is foggy..the doctor said i had red divets in my stomach and the overproduction of acid was eating my stomach lining and i had gastritis. he prescribed a medicine and scheduled a HIDA scan for this monday to watch my gallbladder function after they inject dye with a tracer into my system.
they wheeled me out as i couldn't walk. my head was really heavy. i went home and laid down and came out a few hours later and told my OH i was having trouble sleeping and i'd only been in there for a few minutes..he said i slept three hours.
then i was drowsy all night but couldn't sleep but was too tired to sit up. it was really frustrating. finally, at four am i took a sleep med and slept until seven pm today.
i drank some coffee and am finally really awake at ten pm now.
so that's where i am. i feel like i lost two days...LOL.
taz and monkey (the ferrets) cuddled and groomed my iv site all night. kuan yin slept by my side as well.

13-06-2008, 09:37 AM
Glad it's all over Tink ........and you didn't even know it!:lol: I had to smile at your description of coming round after:lol:

Will still be thinking of you on Monday when you have your gall bladder looked at so more calming vibes will be on their way to you again! :lol:

13-06-2008, 01:08 PM
That was a fine description of what happened Tink, had me smiling too! Sorry you've finally come to completely when it's time to start thinking about falling asleep again. Good luck on Monday. As Mags says, vibes will be winging their way to you again then! Have a good weekend.

13-06-2008, 04:08 PM
Woo hoo, quite an ordeal! You must be so relieved it's over; I too will be thinking of you Monday and sending good vibes!

13-06-2008, 07:13 PM
Glad you had a pleasant experience with it and you finally have some answers as to what you are treating now X