View Full Version : RIP My Big Man Stan. xxx

Kate S
13-05-2008, 10:35 PM

I have some sad news. My eldest boy Stan died this evening in my arms.

I dont know what happend until I go to the vets tomorrow with him. I think it may have been a heart attack?

I loved him with all my heart and will miss him so much. I am typing through tears!! I saved him about 3 years ago from a shelter and loved him from that day on. He was so happy until the very end and we were gardening together!

I cant write any more.


Your Mummy Kate. xxx

I will look after Mimi and Rox for you, they are missing you already.


13-05-2008, 10:36 PM
So sorry to hear this, RIP big man :(

He reminds me a lot of my boy arthur :(

13-05-2008, 10:36 PM
So sorry to read this....Thoughts and hugs with you...
Run Free Stan....xx

13-05-2008, 10:38 PM
So so sorry

RIP Stan


13-05-2008, 10:39 PM
Oh poor you, this saddens me a lot. I'm so sorry to read this
Big hugs to you all now
RIP Stan X free from pain and harm X

13-05-2008, 10:40 PM
So sorry to hear this news Kate..:cry:

RIP beautiful boy.......xx

13-05-2008, 10:40 PM
Oh no. Not you too Kate. It's been a desperately sad 24 hours on Catsey. So many beloved cats lost :cry: :cry:

I think that's what happened almost a year ago with my dearest Darcy . . . he just went; heart failure.

Poor Stan, but rest assured he's probably had the best 3 years of his life sharing it with you - you certainly loved him dearly. My thoughts are with you - I'm so very sorry.

13-05-2008, 10:47 PM
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. He had a wonderful, safe and happy 3 years with you and how desperately sad that he went so unexpectedly like this.

13-05-2008, 11:46 PM
I realy do feel for your loss he was a very handsome boy.
run free at the bridge and gave kay a big hug from me.


14-05-2008, 07:10 AM
So sorry to hear about your loss :(

Sleep tight Stan x

14-05-2008, 07:55 AM
I am so very sorry to read of your loss :(

RIP Stan, sleep well handsome boy x

14-05-2008, 10:48 AM
I am so sorry to read about Stan's passing. A terrible shock for you but really, for Stan, probably the best way to go in your arms after gardening. RIP lovely boy.

14-05-2008, 04:16 PM
So very sad, I really am sorry. RIP Stan xx

Kate S
14-05-2008, 06:40 PM
Thanks for all your messages they have made me feel much better. Got through the day.... just. Took him to be cremated this morning and picked some flowers from the garden to put with him. I will scatter his ashes in the garden under the plumb tree. Again thanks for all the support.

I cried again when he was not there to meet me from work. He will be very missed it feels like loosing my best mate.

But there is now room at the inn for somebody else so if anyone in the area has any ideas let me know. Thanks again everybody.

Love you Stan. xx

14-05-2008, 07:57 PM
Well Kate - Daventry isn't too far from Stourbridge and our Smudgely has a housefull of CP kittens again by the sounds of things. Might be worth dropping her a PM . . .

15-05-2008, 02:38 PM
RIP Stan


15-05-2008, 02:58 PM
So very sorry, he was a lovely boy.

RIP Stan x

15-05-2008, 05:57 PM
I am so sorry for your loss....RIP Stan and run free....

18-05-2008, 09:20 PM
So sorry to hear of your loss, he certainly was a handsome boy! I read your posting through tears. I lost my boy Charlie on the 7th March and I am still missing him but the pain does ease in time. You gave him love and a happy, safe home and he'd have loved you for that.

Sleep tight Stan, Charlie will look after you!

18-05-2008, 10:01 PM
I don't know how I overlooked this thread; so sorry to hear of Stan's untimely passing. But he was with you when he died, and had been so well loved. (((hugs)))

Kate S
18-05-2008, 10:19 PM
Thank you for all the lovely messages. They have really helped. Just to let everyone know that I am OK. It was so sudden but I have come to terms with it. Stan would have not wanted me skulking around so I wont! I have been landscaping today for the fist push of my garden project! Had the mini digger in this weekend, now I have to dig the footings for the supporting wall before next weekend when my friend is laying the concrete base!! What have I taken on!

When its done I will scatter Stan's ashes under the plumb tree.

Thanks again everyone you have been great! I only joined Catsey a week before Stan died. Everything happens for a reason!!

Thanks Stan. xxx

Thanks Everyone. xxx

19-05-2008, 02:25 AM
so so sorry to hear about your little man
((( hugs )))

19-05-2008, 08:43 AM
What a handsom man!!! I think everyone here can sympathise with your loss. They leave a huge hole in your heart dont they.

Run free at the bridge Stan. xx

19-05-2008, 12:58 PM
So sorry I missed this thread before. Sorry for your loss.

RIP Stan - play hard at the Bridge, handsome man.

19-05-2008, 01:16 PM
I'm glad you're coming to terms with your loss Kate. As you say, I'm sure Stan would not have liked to see you in peices.

But hey - your garden project sounds very exciting! Tell us more please! We have a gardening section here and we'd love some before and after pictures (and work in progress ones too if you like) :-D