View Full Version : Really fed up :)

12-03-2008, 10:24 AM
Im feeling so fed up :( I'll give you a little back ground.

I was diagnosed with IBS just over 2 years ago now,I have for as long as I can remember struggled going to the toilet so I went to the doctors,I was reffered to a gastroenterologist (sp) for an endoscopy to check for ceoliac disease but nothing showed up so he said that it was IBS. Anyway to cut a long story short over the last 2 years I have just plodded on and not returned to the doctors as there hasnt really been any need to go.
Recently though i have started to get really bad stomach pains and started passing blood so I went straight to my doctors,he took blood tests to see if there was any sign of inflammation of the bowel,I went back to doctors last monday for the results but the test came back showing nothing :roll:
This weekend has been hell :cry: I have had the worst stomach pains ever to the point where it actually takes my breath for a second,its only lasts for about 20 seconds then its gone but its been like it all day on and off since Friday. Then last night I got really bad back ache while at work (along with these stomach pains) and really bad pressure in the rectal area,this pressure is still here now along with the stomach pains so i have just rang and asked for my Doctor to call me back,I have been told he will ring at about 12 so ijust have to wait.
I feel like absolute rubbish,My nan suffered with IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) the ulcerative colitis form of the disease which eventually resulted in her having to have a colostomy as it took them so long to diagnose it,she was backwards and forwards from the doctors for year :(

Sorry guys not a nice subject for me to bring up really is it just feeling really bad and if im honest a little worried at the moment :cry:

12-03-2008, 10:55 AM
Oh Erin - how distressing for you, especially with your family history. I do sympathise and hope your doctor does call you back. I have had IBS for many years, but it's really on and off and nothing as bad as you obviously have. A lot of it was down to stress and since I have given up going out to work the number of times I've had a bout has decreased. Of course going through the worry as you are isn't helping at all. Let us know what the doc says. ***HUGS***

12-03-2008, 12:41 PM
I can sympathise with you Erin as my hubby has suffered with it for years. On the bad days he just wants to sit in a chair and not move for fear of the discomfort.
He has had all the various tests and has changed his diet slightly, he won't eat anything with grains in it nor will he touch milk anymore.....he has Rice Dream instead on his cereal now. He only gets the occasional flare up now.

I do hope your doctor will be able to help you ((((hugs))))

12-03-2008, 01:13 PM
Erin - how awful for you. My OH had similar pains for years, sometimes to the point where he couldn't actually move from being curled up on the bed - he said it was like a someone cutting him in half. His stomach used to swell up too :( He too went to the doctor repeatedly and got IBS drugs etc. Each worked for a bit and then gradually the pain returned. To cut a long story short, I made him go to my herbalist who diagnosed wheat and barley intollerance. And this was despite the doc saying there was no chance of food allergy/intollerance :roll: .

He now eats a pretty-well gluten free diet, and unless he has something with gluten in it (even down to pre-prepared sauces etc) he's free of the pain.

I really, really would recommend seeking alternative therapy help. Not one of the Chinese herbalists that sit in cheap shopping malls but someone registered with the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (there is a lady who practices in Malvern and Worcester).

I hope someone can shed some light and offer some relief soon.

12-03-2008, 01:25 PM
Oh Erin ((hugs)) I have no knowledge of this horrible disease ata ll, but as someone who knows what it is like to suffer from severe pain, you have my utmost sympathies. I really hope that your doctors can finally figure out what the trigger is.

12-03-2008, 07:28 PM
Oh heck :( I am sorry to read this :hug:

I get lower stomach cramps and read some stuff on the net about IBS and such like and have since cut out lactose from my diet - you can buy lactose free milk and it tastes and looks the same as regular milk and I dont have the pains anymore !

Hopefully your doc can do some intolerance tests and find out what is causing such terrible pains, it cant be nice at all !!

Lots of soothing vibes for you !! I hope you get it sorted soon !

12-03-2008, 07:53 PM
Poor you. I really have every sympathy for you. Have you kept a food diary Erin. Are you intolerant to any foods maybe? Or do somethings may your symptoms worse? Have you tried any over the counter medicines like Bisupan? They ease abdominal and intestinal cramps.
Doctors are not very sympathetic to IBS. Have you tried yoga or pilates to ease any stress and to help ease your digestion? Have you tried linseeds, they aid digestion and coat your colon. You just swallow a table spoon each day.

I was the opposite having suffered from severe indigestion, reflux and diarrhoea. I couldn't go too far from the toilet and would often spend a whole night in so much pain and lying on the bathroom floor. This was unrecognised for a long time. Then I was told I had hiatus hernia, then not. Then the tablets caused the diarrhoea. But the doctors had little or no sympathy. A lot of foods and drink make me ill. But now I manage my stress better and have changed my contraception I feel more in control.
Let us know how you get on Erin. Bear in mind that the changes will take a long time to overcome before you see any difference.

12-03-2008, 08:16 PM
Thanks all,Ive been down my doctors,hes going to rush my referal through for the gastroenterologist,I was refered when I first went to my doctors and had blood tests but it can take 6 weeks for an appointment to come through so he is going to try and rush it through to me.
Yola my tummy really swells to,its swollen at the moment to the point where I could pass for being pregnant :roll:
Yes BC I am keeping a food diary,I have been since last monday.

Hes a lovely doctor and I cannot fault him or the previous doctor who refered me last time when I was checked for ceoliac disease,I really should have gone back to them along time ago,not sure why I didnt really.
I have just been told to take paracetomol and rest and if it doesnt ease off before friday to go back down. I was nearly sick when he was checking my abdomen it was that painfull.
Its worn off slightly since Ive taken a few doses of paracetomal and just spent the afternoon in bed,i still have this awful pressure though :(

Oh well nothing to do now but play the waiting game :roll:

12-03-2008, 08:45 PM
Oh Erin, how awful for you! :( I have no experience with this. Some of the suggestions sound good: the food diary, dietary allergy testing, lactose intolerance testing and alternative medicine. I hope you can get to the bottom of what's causing it; will probably take some time; and the doctors don't seem to be very helpful so far..sending good vibes and some hugs too......

12-03-2008, 08:51 PM
People have given some very good advice above Erin. In the first instance while you are waiting for your appointment I would just try cutting out gluten. I have heard that, although tricky to begin with, this can make a huge difference. Hope whatever you try gives some relief.

12-03-2008, 10:15 PM
So sorry to be reading that things are no better for you Erin, I do hope you can get to the bottom of it, no pun intended;) , must be awful.
Just reading through your description of symptoms makes me thing Graham has IBS too. He often complains of a swollen tummy and severe pain etc.
I do hope you feel better very soon, hugs to you chum xxx

13-03-2008, 09:18 PM
Oh how awful and distressing for you Erin ((hugs)). A lady at work suffered in a similar way to you and she found that by cutting out dairy products she feels so much better. I really hope you can find a solution.

13-03-2008, 09:59 PM
Thanks all,still feeling really rough today cant wait untill I know exactly what wrong and can find out what can be done