View Full Version : Daily Thread / Friday

07-03-2008, 08:24 AM
Morning all, not sure what the weather will do today, looks a little overcast. Waiting in for a part for hubby's van to arrive today. Other than that not much planned but the housework.

Have a great day!

07-03-2008, 09:01 AM
Good Morning everyone, sorry not been a round for a couple of weeks but we have had a rought time with Willow. You remember she had het teeth out in January well after the anti biotics etc and changing her diet she has been ill with the runs and we have been back and to visiting the vets and getting samples done, to say there has been lots of cleaning up is an understatement but it looks like things are fianlly settling down so I should be able to get back on here.

YAY it is Friday at last! A busy week in work but looking forward to the weekend as we are in Manchester this weekend and have friends staying with us. At the moment the sun is shining, bright blue sky wonder how long that will last hee hee

Big hugs and haope you all have a good day

07-03-2008, 09:26 AM
morning all. just started raining here,not sure on what im up to today, but at the moment its a case of stay in the dry.
have a good day all.

07-03-2008, 09:51 AM
Very wet start, but the sun's out now. Sebi has gone back to bed as he seemed a very tired little boy. That's scuppered my plan to go into the office after lunch whilst he has his afternoon nap in the car :shock:

Fifi's limp has pretty well resolved itself now without recourse to vets/bloodtests. She's being a little flirt - wanting to sit on my lap and wiggling around the place. She always perks up in springtime :D

Balie seems to have settled well in the top room. The large litter tray has resulted in no accidents, and infact he must've come downstairs last night as the kitchen tray was full and the bedroom one unused :D

07-03-2008, 09:56 AM
Morning all, it's a lovely sunny day here at the moment, the last for a while I think as rain is forecast for the next few days.

Have a big tidy up to do today as my son is coming to stay for the weekend ....... must fit in a trolley dash later as well...

Hope you all have a lovely day and a great weekend!:cool:

07-03-2008, 11:20 AM
morning all :D
Lovely day here too :D
Got a pile of washing to get through today and a nice walk over the valley with the dogs this afternoon as its such a nice day,they love it over there and it will tire them out for a while :D
Yola glad both Kitties are doing well :D

07-03-2008, 12:48 PM
Morning all, Just! Its is absolutely gorgeous here today, sun shining and very warm, have the ceiling fan on in the conservatory.....
Got some bits and bobs to do, then hoping to get out in the garden for a while...
Have a good afternoon everybody..

07-03-2008, 04:04 PM
Goodafternoon all :-)
Just managed to squeeeze myself into this room to get online. Its filled with boxes of books from the room which is being decorated and all sorts of other 'can't live with or without it' cr*p that me or OH won't part with :D
So as I lean over to send this off please excuse my absence for the next few days, I'll try and listen in but responding is awkward.
Just to say, Mags, no never done hot air ballooning and as i fear heights, prob never will(!) Erin , she's a stunner, both of em, Yola, glad all your kids are ok, Sebi, bless im, having a nap and keeping mum sane for a few hours.
Weather, showers and mixed clouds/blue sky moments.
TTFN, Nette x

07-03-2008, 05:31 PM
Afternoon! Six degrees with heavy cloud cover: rain is predicted from this afternoon until sometime in the wee hours of Sunday morning! I did my library run today instead of tomorrow: going to stay in and cocoon...hate going out in the rain! Glad so many of you are having a nice sunny day...enjoy!

Yola: excellent news about your two!!