View Full Version : Daily Thread / Morhering Sunday

02-03-2008, 10:22 AM
Morning all, lovely sunny day here :cool: Off to sort the horses out shortly. Have the mums' visits to do this afternoon.

Happy Mother's Day everyone :D

02-03-2008, 11:43 AM
Wishing all Mums a peaceful and relaxing day.:-)
Still a hint of blue sky here. Off to put flowers on my MILs grave then back home to catch up with housework, ironing mainly. Mam and I had a special girlie shopping day yest. Both of us on diets so no lunch date.
Had a lovely card from my 'furkids' via Dad.
Bless im. :D

02-03-2008, 02:06 PM
To those who are mums, Happy Mothers Day to you.
Not much planned for today. A little tired and sapped of energy after my night out last night. Had a really good time though, Lovely food and lots of alcohol.
Might hava a stab at making up a cash projection/annalysis thing for my business:shock: Then again maybe I'll do that tomorrow evening;)
Have a great day xxx

02-03-2008, 02:38 PM
Just back from taking Dominik to one of the indoor play places as he had another party to attend. Both boys had a great time, and OH's oldest son brought his little boy too so it was quite fun.

Am back home now, Sebi's napping (he's got another nasty sneezy cold poor chap) and I've got some ironing to do. There'll be more later when the dryer's finished :roll:

Both boys made some lovely cards at their school/nursery and Dominik made a very pretty book mark with a picture of an amaryllis on it! As to be expected no 'home' card from them. But then it just reinforced what I knew anyway.

Checked that my Mum had received her card and the masses of mini daffodils I'd managed to get for her - she says their perfume is ever so strong . . . I didn't know daffs had a scent - there you go :D

02-03-2008, 02:46 PM
Off out later to a restaurant for a meal with my daughter and her family which I'm looking forward too...... it won't hurt to come off the diet for one day!:D

Received a phone message from my son wishing me a Happy Mother's Day...... normally he would be joining us for the meal but due to early days after his op, he can't risk picking up any germs just yet.

Hope all mums are having a lovely day..:D

02-03-2008, 05:12 PM
Happy Mothers Day to all the mums here! Brilliant sun and not as windy as yesterday, it's 2 degrees now and tomorrow is supposed to be really really warm! I'm ready for it.. :D! The birds are singing much more noticeably, the sun isn't setting till 6 pm now, and we go to Daylight Savings time this coming Sunday, so it does feel as if Spring is around the corner!! Nothing new here to report, we're both well...
Enjoy the day ......

02-03-2008, 05:42 PM
Hi everyone,
Had a lovely day so far, got up early and cleaned the flat then cooked lunch for my mum who came over! Then took the dogs (mine and our family lab) to Powis Castle park for a walk which was lovely-so nice to see the sun again!
Off to pub quiz tonight!