View Full Version : Tuesday's Thread

29-01-2008, 01:59 AM
I know it's still very much Monday for some, but I can't sleep! Have the most searing pain in what remains of my front tooth where the dentist put the crown on last week . . . I'm very scared it's an infection because I've never had tooth pain like this before - it's making me quite sick and shakey :( Will be on the phone to the dentist at 9am!! He must rue the day he ever suggested replacing my original veneers :roll:

As soon as I finish my painkiller I'm off back to bed; hopefully it'll take the edge off the ache and let me sleep.

See you all later :D

29-01-2008, 02:57 AM
How awful,Yola! Tooth pain can be agonizing; hope the painkiller lets you get some sleep! Best for tomorrow; let us know what happens, (((hugs))!

29-01-2008, 08:30 AM
Oh Yola, toothache can be very nasty :( I do hope the painkiller allowed you to get some sleep and that you manage to get an appointment this morning with the Dentist.

Morning all, lovely mild day here again, yesterday was such a beautiful sunny day, I was almost lulled into thinking spring had come :D I've got a Royal Canin rep coming to see me this morning, I'm rather hoping to skank a few freebies out of him ;) Other than that not much planned, I need to got to the PO and shops later.

Hope you all have a lovely day :D

29-01-2008, 09:27 AM
morning all. ive not really started the day yet.
im off to lidles this morning, want to get the dog a new collar. his ones a bit mucky now.
OH put a huge shed up in the garden yesterday so doing the finishing touches today.
it takes me ages to get motivated in the morning, ole body just dont work that well LOL

29-01-2008, 09:36 AM
Morning all
Yola tooth ache is the worst pain ever and there is no comfort from it I hope you get it sorted today X
I've got builders coming to do the drains today and then hopefully that is it with them until the windows go in!!!! So I'm off to work to leave them to it.
Have a good day all


29-01-2008, 10:28 AM
I did finally manage to get about 3 hours sleep, what with Sebastian waking twice too :roll: In the office at the moment, and have appointment with the dentist at midday. His wife (the receptionist) sounded quite concerned and said they'd never had anything like this with a crown before :shock:

Bright and cold today with snow promised for the end of the week I understand :shock:

29-01-2008, 11:36 AM
Oh Yola - teethache - in the front. Ouch. Poor you. Hopefully (I think that's the right word) it is an infection and a/bs will sort it out in absolutely no time. That's the trouble with teeth and sinuses (and ears as well) - just no room for expansion as infection sets in - hence enormous pain as the pressure increases. Hugs and get well thoughts.
Hi everyone else. We've got sunshine again - hurrah, but, as Y said, a bit of an iffy forecast for later in the week.
As is often the case I have no news. I've sorted my outfit for tomorrow's Long Service Award dinner - starts with champagne and canapes @ 6.30 etc etc (!), so can pretty much relax that that is under control.
Have a good day all

29-01-2008, 12:06 PM
Long service award? Is that another way of saying wedding anniversary ;) Or have I missed something . . . :shock:

29-01-2008, 12:14 PM
Tee hee. No, OHs 10 yrs plus with his company! Sounds like quite a swish do .... I'll have to behave :)

29-01-2008, 05:06 PM
Hi again! Not supposed to rain till evening, but woke up to it bucketing down, albeit relatively warmer. so decided to skip the market as my cold symptoms are lingering a bit: cough, congestion. Waiting for a gas company person to come this afternoon; they need to replace the meter; hope they do it quickly and don't have to shut off the heat! No signs of Onyx; it will be two weeks tomorrow....

Have a nice afternoon.....

29-01-2008, 05:50 PM
Two weeks already, wow although I still think my senario is the one thats playing out somewhere Eileen.;)

Been off today took Mom and Dad to visit my Aunti Hilda (Dad's sister in law) she is 96, and picking them up met up with a couple of her daughters my cousins there. One is 75 and the other in her late 50's such a wide age gap in the family. They all Mom Hilda and Dad enjoyed it. I've doen bits and pieces, other than that.

Yola ouch its the oneof the two things I hate toothache the other being earache. Both terrible pain.

Have a good day all. Karen

29-01-2008, 06:11 PM
So sorry to hear about toothache Yola. Hope all is better soon.

My cold is on the mend but do suffer from yucky catarrh after a cold, so still taking paracetamol and using the Olbas oil (OH hates the smell). Head thumping a bit, but it's true as my mum always said "There's always someone worse off than you!" - I think that was meant to make me feel braver than I did!

Been firming up spec for new PC today! VERY EXCITED!

29-01-2008, 06:38 PM
No signs of Onyx; it will be two weeks tomorrow....

Gosh 2 weeks already Eileen? :(

29-01-2008, 10:19 PM
Gosh 2 weeks already Eileen? :(

Yep, two weeks.. Had a false alarm last week; looked out the side window and there was a black cat in the driveway. but....:( it was the bully cat from down the street! Oddly enough I haven't seen him in ages, but it was him: thicker body, fuller face and bushier tail. I used to have to shoo him away when Onyx was still eating in the shrubbery on the side of the house before I got her to come to the front steps....