View Full Version : Daily thread - Monday

18-06-2007, 08:36 AM
Oh, what a grey day. Steady summer rain and dull as ditchwater. Dinah is asleep, Chester is killing a catnip mouse and Bentley is cross that he's not outside.
Have more of OH's admin to do, so I'll be logged in alll the time and popping back for chats periodically as I get consumed with boredom. :roll:
Hope you manage to miss the rain and have a good day :)

18-06-2007, 08:38 AM
Same weather as DM here. Hopefully it will brighten up later. Emma taken to school. Sean in bed as he is on exams this weeks, so only needs to attend at the exam time. First one 10.45.

Not sure what these exams are for but he is halfway through his GCSE's and seem quite important. He was obviously told but didnt listen!!

Hope you all get a bit of sunshine today wherever you are!

18-06-2007, 08:41 AM
same weather here aswell well today i got to go to the dentle hospital to maybe have my mold for my braces.

have a good day all

18-06-2007, 10:19 AM
Morning all, dry but a little overcast here. Not much planned for today but the usual.

Hope you all have a lovely day :D

18-06-2007, 10:21 AM
The sun is trying hard to break through here, I think it will:D
Well Ceilidh is deposited at school. I'm going for a sauna in a while may even have a wee swim (if I take extra pain killers:? )
Washing to catch up with and all the boaring house stuff:roll: .
Trying to catch up with the weekend here. Talk soon and have a good day.

Donna good luck with Sean's exams

18-06-2007, 10:40 AM
Drizzly, damp and cold here - yuk!

I have now caught Sebastian's cold and I feel grotty in the extreme. Had to move my wisdom tooth extraction (scheduled for today) to next week and throat is sore, nose is stuffed up and runny and breathing is laboured :roll:

However I did get a really good night's sleep last night which helped!

Still got shed-loads on so must dash and get on with some of it.

18-06-2007, 11:40 AM
Yet another drizzly, dull start to the week although it is looking a bit brighter than it did first thing. It was raining hard here at 4.00am this morning :roll: and still raining at 5ish when I eventually dropped off :smt015

Cassie is sound, curled up on the rocking chair, no way will she move outside until the sun comes out!!:lol::lol:

Donna ~ good luck to Sean with his exams...

Yola ~ hope you will soon start to feel better with that cold.

Hope you all have a good day and not too much rain!:cool:

18-06-2007, 03:50 PM
Afternoon all, back from the Dental Hospital, and catching up on here lol.

Luckily Mable does not need braces - the Dentist said she had gorgeous teeth and the tiny gap where no Adult Tooth would grow would not warrant her going through the upheavel of Dental Treatment, and the gap is not big enough to put in a bridge, when she smiles you cannot see the gap anyhow - so were both happy and one book later from WH Smith I have one happy Daughter :).

Off to catch up on here x

18-06-2007, 07:36 PM
weather isn't too bad here...we have had a few showers and a few sunny spells aswell....

ive been in and out of work all day so i feel shattered now!
i think i will have an early night

18-06-2007, 08:18 PM
been ok here today,it was raining this morning when I left work but the sun came out this afternoon.

Hope you have all had a nice day,im off to work now.Have a good evening :)