View Full Version : Faith in people restored

06-01-2007, 08:23 PM
Last week I spent ages talking to an old lady at work about her 10 year old cat who has recently been diagnosed with CRF. I spoke to her about all aspects of the illness and basically put her mind at ease about a few things. I recomended that her kitty may probably benefit from some Vit B supplements but she should always consult her vet before acting on others advice. We talked about foods to feed etc as her cat wont eat the prescription food. I told her of the friends I had come to know during the last few years of Winstons life. I told her of you too Kazz and your gorgous Oscar and Cleo. I told her to feel free to pop in or call if she ever felt upset or just wanted some one to talk with about the kitty.
She came back into my work today looking for me. She has discussed everything with her husband and with her vet. Her vet agree'd that the cat would benefit from the supplement. Anyway she came in with a bunch of flowers for me for being so kind and informative and helpful. She said she would definately keep me informed of her cats progress and would love to keep in touch with me, so we have exchanged phone numbers now too.
Wasnt that really nice of her to buy me flowers.

06-01-2007, 08:26 PM
That is SOOO nice Elaine. Lovely of her to acknowledge your help and lovely of you to take the time to talk to her about her cat. If you go into the big pet shops, they are usually too busy to take the time to help. Well done you (and keep us posted on the kitty). x

06-01-2007, 08:38 PM
Awww isn't that nice of the lady? but you deserve them for being so very helpful to her :cool:

06-01-2007, 09:26 PM
Aww thats really nice the fact you had time for her, its scary isn't it when you get that diagnosis of CRF the words that come with the initials are frightening Chronic Renal Faliure sounds so final. When in reality it often isn't just another stage.

What a nice lady to get you some flowers though. Thats really nice, I think loads more people are nice just the other hit the headlines.

06-01-2007, 09:35 PM
I have to tell you, I was more than a little emotional when she gave me the flowers and talked of how appreciative she was.
As you say Kazz, its frightening when you first get the diagnosis and I have to add that there are some vets out there that dont help in their attitude towards it either. But if I can help or support her and her kitty, then I am happy to do so coz I remember only too well how overwhelming it can all be.

06-01-2007, 10:09 PM
Aww bless how lovely x

06-01-2007, 10:48 PM
It was kind of her, but very kind of you to take the time to talk to her ...sometimes just talking to someone who listens can be a big help ! Hope you enjoyed the flowers: does the Diva like to "rearrange" flowers? Leia generally disapproves of my arrangements .......:roll:

07-01-2007, 12:19 PM
That was so kind of the lady ...... and you Elaine :D

07-01-2007, 04:36 PM
Elaine - you're an angel to take time out to explain all this to the woman. Most people wouldn't bother. You so deserved the flowers :-D