View Full Version : Daily Shred Thread / Friday..

24-11-2006, 09:26 AM
Morning all, cold and damp here. Got the two horses to do today (my friend is doing them tomorrow so that we can go to the Supreme :cool: )

Hubby and I are going Christmas shopping this afternoon, he is only working a half day today.

Hope you all have a lovely day :D

24-11-2006, 11:13 AM
Just about to take Dominik to the central library so he can join as he's completely into books at the moment. It's getting expensive buying them each time we go near a shop :shock:

Sebi's spent the best part of the morning so far, yelling. Not as sicky as he was yesterday but just as loud :roll: I have been doing my exercises religiously each morning and am feeling definitely trimmer as a result. Still can't quite get into most pre-preg trousers, but can now fit into most skirts and look semi-ok :roll: Bought myself one of these mini lateral steppers, works really well on the thighs, hips n bum!!

Am super- jealous of all those meeting up at the NEC tomorrow and feeling a bit down about the fact that I just can't go. PLEASE take lots of pictures - I will enjoy looking at the tremendously :) in the hope that I'll meet face-to-face with many next year!

24-11-2006, 11:28 AM
Good morning - though it's dismal and dull to be honest.
Yola - keep up the good work with the exercise. Xmas approaching should give you the incentive.
Kazz - hope you're feeling better. If not, just rest up, be good to yourself. If you allow yourself to get low at this time of year you often don't feel really bright again till Spring.
Supreme-ers Have a wondeful time tomorrow

24-11-2006, 12:13 PM
Hello All.

Fran you are so organised - so you are going then good for you hope you feel better today.

Yola - keep up the excercise, you're a better woman than I, I dislike "excercise" as such, much prefering gardening or dog walking neither feel like excercise.:lol:

D, I usually bounce back fine regardless but seem to be having trouble bouncing back of late - maybe my body does need to recoup as such. The dreaded cold sore is slowly loosing the battle I am the aftershave are winning :-D
Off to work t 12.30 back about 9 so hope I still feel fine tomorrow for the show.:shock: I really do intend to make it what do they say the "mind is willing but the body weak":roll:

Have a good day all. Its dull and damp over here but at least I am not knee deep in snow.:) always look on the bright side.

24-11-2006, 12:24 PM
Kazz - don't over do things today, I am looking forward to meeting you again tomorrow :cool:

24-11-2006, 12:40 PM
Yes me to Fran looking forward to seeing you again. Will PM you

24-11-2006, 12:54 PM
Hello everyone!

Dull and damp here too but fortunately it is still mild.....

Fran and Kazz ~ I hope you both feel a lot better for for your day at the Supreme tomorrow ....... I hope all those who are going have a brilliant time!

Yola ~ Sounds like you are doing well with the exercises, keep it up !!

Have a good day all!:cool:

24-11-2006, 01:08 PM
Yes me to Fran looking forward to seeing you again. Will PM you

Pm received and replied to ;)

24-11-2006, 06:57 PM
Just taken my Christmas cake out of the oven and the house is filled with the lovely aroma :cool: I've got two more to make over the weekend ....... intended doing them last week but had the problem with the cooker:cool:

Anyone else starting to feel Christmassy? :D

24-11-2006, 07:02 PM
Anyone else starting to feel Christmassy? :D

Yes me! been Christmas shopping with hubby this afternoon :cool:

Hope all the cakes turn out well Mags :D

24-11-2006, 09:21 PM
Feels like I have worked all day today, had to cover a Senior School :shock: that was an experience.

So excited about tomorrow x

24-11-2006, 09:48 PM
Sunny and milder, 60F today. To the market & home...wouldn't dream of going to the mall today..the annual Christmas shopping orgy starts the day after Thanksgiving: some of the stores actually open at 3 AM!!! Mobs of people lusting after bargains, ugh, no thanks! Internet shopping is so much pleasanter...but that's just me. Onyx didn't come to be fed today; hope she's all right..? Kazz, Fran, hope you both feel better and have a great time at the Supreme, and all the others going also! Want to see lots of pics! Pleasant evening, all!

24-11-2006, 09:58 PM
Evening all. Been a disgusting day here. Weather was dreadful. Had a big argument with our niece after she swore at my Raechel and hit her with a remote control. Only 1 incident since she came so I suppose it's not too bad. Been doing some more Christmas shopping and OH went shopping for my birthday present. Very excited about tomorrow.

24-11-2006, 10:17 PM
Evening. Bloomin awful weather here all day. It's chucking it down with rain, blowing a gale and it's bitter cold.

Not a lot happening lately apart from haivng to tell Tilly off for eating the cat poo out the litter tray (she's disgusting but I still love her)

25-11-2006, 12:00 AM
Nite all, got an early start tomorrow ;) Looking forward to meeting Catsey members tomorrow at the show. Those that can't go, I hope you have a very enjoyable day too.

Smudgley - I hope you enjoy your course

Kazz - I hope you are feeling better tomorrow x

25-11-2006, 12:02 AM
Nite Fran, hope you have a good day tomorrow (hope you are feeling better too!)

Don't forget the pics for us! ;)