View Full Version : CH 4 8pm tonight

13-11-2006, 04:00 PM
Can't for the life of me remember what it's called but there's a programme which takes DNA from various well known people and tests it to establish their antecedents. I know one of the people on is Norman Tebbit.
Apparently nearly all have something 'exotic' and suprising to them. .... sub-Saharan African, Chinese etc etc
It will be interesting and once again confirm that we are all mongrels really.

13-11-2006, 04:49 PM
It's called "100% English" DM .......and two other people on are Carol Thatcher and Gary Bushell. From what I've read the tests throw up some unexpected results:shock:

13-11-2006, 05:13 PM
I plan to watch it!!
I'm a true mongrel=english, welsh, scottish, south african, french, polish, canadian and australian-god, in the dog world i would be a right heinz 57!!:lol: