View Full Version : Prices of FIV/FeLV tests?

07-11-2006, 11:17 PM
We got our bill for the rescue at weekend, and they hadn't been able to tell me the price when the test was done, but it was on the bill - £60!! I rang my vets, and their price is £34.40 (without our discount)!! So i got the rescue to query it today, and they said it is right, but if I had had an in house test, it wouldn't have been nearly that price. Just wondering what others have paid for the tests to be sent to Glasgow, and wonder if the vets have done the same as they have with vaccs - alter the price to make them go with what they feel they should. Not a good few days for extortianate vet prices!!

07-11-2006, 11:46 PM
Chancers test was £50.....

08-11-2006, 10:02 AM
:shock: £60! That sounds like a lot, Tango had a FeLV/ FIV test last week at my vet and it only cost £25, it was all done there but thats a hell of a difference in price.

10-11-2006, 01:46 PM
Samz - I could have got it done cheaper in house, but with 42% of FeLV and 7% of FIV showing false positives on them, I dont trust them and wont use them - plus if it is positive you have to confirm through Glasgow anyway, I dont see the point in going through two tests. My other vet only use Glasgow, which I prefer.