View Full Version : Cats or meerkats?

26-09-2006, 09:47 AM
Remember Kazz'z 5 questions, the first of which was 'when did you last laugh out loud?'. Well, if I hadn't been absolutely stifling it, I would have been crying with laughter last night.
Guess it was about 7.30, everything done, supper eaten etc etc, so we had all settled down for a couple of hours chill. Then, Dinah decided to have a funny-five-minutes. I don't think it's just a staffy thing,but it's a definite dog thing, where they just revel in their bodies, and using them at speed, and dash about, from one side of the room to t'other, and back, and back, and back, with little pauses sometime, and so on.
So, Dinah dashes, and the kittens, one on my lap, one leaning against me, sit bolt upright, eyes wide, like the meerkats in the wildlife films, and then look like a Wimbledon crowd, heads clicking from side to side as they tracked this crazy dog's progress.

It was sooooooooo funny; I hope I've described it well enough for you to picture the madness which was our house! :-D

26-09-2006, 10:01 AM
hee hee DM this happens here too, and the kittens get their mad half hour in aswell, the thing is though, when one starts they seem to set the rest off.

So 2 pretty big dogs charging about from the living room, through the hall and kitchen and back is their preffered route of madness, and 5 kittens usually up and down the stairs like it's a formula 1 race track :shock:

We do also have Dusty a mini Dacchie, but she and Tabs are far to regal for silly behaviour like that :roll: They just sit on cushions and give THE dirtiest dissaproving looks at the chaos which is being carried out by their fellow canines/felines. :lol: :roll:

26-09-2006, 11:22 AM

Who needs television when you have animals in the house!!:lol:

26-09-2006, 05:12 PM
Yep I vouch for the Staffie madness the trouble is here now there are 2 Staffies and one elderly cat - who luckily learnt years ago staying put is the best safety alternative when Staffies go mad.

DM you've painted a picture with words you'll be rivaling Emma next.

26-09-2006, 06:12 PM
:D :D :D I can imagine that no bother:D :D :D Pity you didn't have a video camera handy, one for Youv'e been Framed I think...:D

26-09-2006, 09:12 PM
Sounds like a madhouse!!