View Full Version : Black Cats are best?

17-08-2006, 02:58 AM
This is based on a very unscientific poll.

My first cat was a moggy who just happened to be Siamese. She was siamese coloured but moggy build, moggy temperament. Well, the fighting was done in typical siamese warrier fashion but everything else was normal cat. She made it to 18!

Then when I got married we were given an 8 year old black tom cat who lived with us for 5 very happy years until he disappeared.

The next cat is a snotty torty who still acts like we're going to beat her if we approach her, but at night, when the house is quiet she will permit us to pat her and she'll share the sofa with us. She's been with us for 7 years.

And recently a very streetwise black kitten has appeared in our lives. She plays tough with my son and smooches with the rest of us. She puts up with the torty who is reluctantly coming around. She's marvellous. The previous owner of the black tom stayed with us and couldn't get over how alike the two cats are. A reincarnation perhaps?

I adored my siamese but I think it's the black cats who have stolen my heart!

17-08-2006, 03:07 AM
I like black cats too, we had two whilst I was growing up :)
... and they were always very friendly.

Do you have any pics you could post Sarah?!

17-08-2006, 08:12 AM
My very first cat ws a stray black cat who we named Blackie (very original) he was kinda shared between us and our elderly next door neighbours. He was with us for a good 4/5 years and was the sweetiest thing you could ever meet. That was about 15 years ago. He died of old age one xmas in the neighbours shed :(

17-08-2006, 08:37 AM
i agree about the black cats having got 2 of our own :)

17-08-2006, 09:12 AM
I have Mau Mau - she is Black and White x

17-08-2006, 01:07 PM
I love pure blacks - have one at the moment, and she is lovely. Have 3 black and whites too, and they are all lovely, but sometimes not as 'attractive' to me - although they should be, as I love pure whites too, so a good mix of them.

17-08-2006, 01:15 PM
Never had a black one so cant comment. I just love them all

17-08-2006, 05:14 PM
My mad mental Misty is a black cat and she is the most comical, daftest thing!! She wakes you up every morning by standing on you and drooling in your eyes!! She chases her tail and is very affectionate.

Love her to bits!

17-08-2006, 05:51 PM
My Snowy is the most ungrateful, miserable black cat there ever was. She's semi-feral and wants to spend most of her time outside, sometimes I only have to look at her and she runs away, and anyone would think I was the devil's daughter the way she reacts to me (OK, perceptive cat :lol: )

But she's a black black black cat (even the inside of her little mouth has black pigment!), and beautiful, with a ridiculously long tail, and on the rare occasions she wants her ears rubbed or relaxes and purrs when I pick her up, I feel so privileged, 'cos I love her to bits :heart:

17-08-2006, 07:22 PM
saw a lovely little girl black cat this morning, i couldnt make a fuss of her as i had ben with me, but she was only young, she was at that leggy age LOL